• Relevance of higher education for adults in a work-life – a case study from Norway 

    Stølan, Trygve; Vold, Aud Tone; Haave, Hanne Marit; Kiønig, Linda Vibeke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This case study is conducted in the spring semester of the first year, testing out organizing the mandatory assignments allowing to coordinate the two courses offered: “Project Management” and “Digital work forms in ...
  • Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups 

    Benson, John F.; Keiter, David A.; Mahoney, Peter J.; Allen, Benjamin L.; Allen, Lee R.; Álvares, Francisco; Anderson, Morgan L.; Barber-Meyer, Shannon; Barocas, Adi; Beasley, James C.; Behrendorff, Linda; Belant, Jerrold L.; Beyer Jr, Dean E.; Boitani, Luigi; Borg, Bridget L.; Boutin, Stan; Boydston, Erin E.; Brown, Justin L.; Bump, Joseph K.; Cepek, Jonathon D.; Chamberlain, Michael J.; Chenaux-Ibrahim, Yvette; Cherry, Seth G.; Cirovic, Dusko; Ciucci, Paolo; Cluff, H. Dean; Cooper, Susan M.; Crooks, Kevin R.; Dupont, Daniel L.J.; Fisher, Robert N.; Fortin, Daniel; Gable, Thomas D.; García, Emilio J.; Geffen, Eli; Gehrt, Stanley D.; Gillingham, Michael; Heard, Douglas C.; Hebblewhite, Mark; Hinton, Joseph W.; Homkes, Austin T.; Howden, Chris G.; Huber, Djuro; Jackson, Pat J.; Kyle, Joly; Kelly, Allicia; Kelly, Marcella J.; Kingdon, Katrien A.; Kulkarni, Abhijeet; Kusak, Josip; Kuzyk, Gerald W.; Lake, Bryce C.; Llaneza, Luis; López-Bao, José Vicente; MacNulty, Daniel R.; McLaren, Ashley A.D.; Mcloughlin, Philip D.; Merrill, Evelyn; Mills, Kenneth J.; Mitchell, Numi; Moore, Seth A.; Mumma, Matthew A.; Murray, Maureen H.; Musiani, Marco; Nakamura, Monia; Neilson, Eric W.; Neufeld, Lalenia M.; Newsome, Thomas M.; Oakleaf, John K.; Palacios, Vicente; Perdicas, Marlo M.; Perry, Thomas; Petroelje, Tyler R.; Piper, Cyrenea B.; Prokopenko, Christina M.; Prugh, Laura R.; Riley, Seth P. D.; Rio-Maior, Helena; Roffler, Gretchen H.; Rollins, Dale; Sand, Håkan; Schmiegelow, Fiona K.A.; Seip, Dale R.; Sorum, Mathew S.; St. Clair, Colleen C.; Steenweg, Robin; Strohbach, Michael W.; Tatler, Jack; Thaker, Maria; Thompson, Connor A.; Turner, Julie W.; Vanak, Abi T.; Vander Wal, Eric; Wabakken, Petter; Walter, Scott E.; Webster, Sarah C.; Wheeldon, Tyler J.; Wikenros, Camilla; Windels, Steve K.; Young, Julie K.; Zabihi-Seissan, Sana; Zimmermann, Barbara; Patterson, Brent R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Animals within social groups respond to costs and benefits of sociality by adjusting the proportion of time they spend in close proximity to other individuals in the group (cohesion). Variation in cohesion between individuals, ...
  • Epigenetic-related transcriptional reprogramming elucidated by identification and validation of a novel reference gene combination for RT-qPCR studies in porcine oocytes of contrasting quality 

    Haug, Linda Marijke Dekker; Wilson, Robert Charles; Alm-Kristiansen, Anne Hege (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Background Reliable RT-qPCR results are dependent on appropriate normalisation. Oocyte maturation studies can be challenging in this respect, as the stage of development can distinctively affect reference gene transcript ...
  • "Ain't That Easy": Perceptions of Conflict in the Music of D'Angelo and the Vanguard 

    Bannister, Claire Rebecca; Garcia-Peinazo, Diego; Hansen, Kai Arne; Steinbrecher, Bernhard (Journal article, 2024)
    The article examines the song »Ain't That Easy« from D'Angelo's 2014 album Black Messiah, analyzing its connections to the socio-political climate surrounding its release and exploring the underlying themes of conflict in ...
  • En ensom rytter i galopp: Praksisveilederen i kulturskolen 

    Aglen, Gry Sagmo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Praksisopplæring er en sentral del av lærerutdanninger, og for mange studenter representerer praksisopplæringen det første møtet med praksisfeltet og læreryrket, som de utdanner seg til. Her møter de også praksisveilederen ...

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