Browsing Brage INN by Title
Now showing items 1038-1057 of 8230
Critical methodologies: early childhood research studies in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This chapter exemplifies seven projects and their related research methodologies. It does so to consider how to construct critical research studies without replicating someone else’s research methodology and without setting ... -
Critical perspectives on agency and social justice in transitions and career development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)For this special issue of the journal, we asked authors to explore critical perspectives in career guidance research with a focus on social justice, equality, power, and emancipation. Approaches that are related to critical ... -
A Critical Realist Critique of “Measurement in Quantitative Educational Research: An Instrumental Mistake?” by Sigve Høgheim
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Both Sigve Høgheim and I advance a similar critique of representationalism, operationalism and construct validity as found in psychology. Our respective critiques hinge on the way that these concepts do not adequately ... -
The criticality of transport and export activities in the economic prosperity of high-middle income countries: the role of logistics performance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study considers the economic importance of export activities, logistics performance and transportation services as key agents of sustainable development. Considering this aspect of economic development, this study ... -
Crop variety management for climate adaptation supported by citizen science
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of an Arabic version of the Cognitive-Affective Mindfulness Scale (CAMS-R)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)No Arabic version of the Revised Cognitive-Affective Mindfulness Scale (CAMS-R) was found, prompting this study’s threefold objectives: first, to validate an Arabic translation of CAMS-R among Tunisian students; second, ... -
Cross-National Study of Mental Health and Employment Status Nine Months Post Social Distancing Implementation Practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This cross-national study examined the mental health between those individuals working and those not working nine months post initial COVID-19 social distancing implementation. Respondents (N = 3,474) were recruited through ... -
Cross-national study of worrying, loneliness, and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison between individuals with and without infection in the family
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective: The objective of this study was to examine differences in worry, loneliness, and mental health between those individuals infected by COVID-19 or having someone their family infected, and the rest of the population. ... -
A cross-sectional and 6-year follow-up study of associations between leisure time physical activity and vertebral fracture in adults
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction: Vertebral fractures are common osteoporotic fractures, affecting 2–46% of the population, causing morbidity and increased risk of mortality. Physical activity has beneficial effects for bone health, including ... -
Crowdfunding in the Cultural Industries
(Chapter, 2020) -
Crustacean zooplankton trophic position, food item origin and relationship to fish in the temperate, subalpine Lake Savalen, central Norway, compared with similar lake ecosystems.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Lake Savalen is a subalpine, oligotrophic, dimictic and regulated lake situated in Norway, north Europe. It is located between 703-708 meters above sea level in the central part of Norway. The lake has a maximum surface ... -
«CSR: innvirkning på kundenes merkelojalitet»
(Master thesis, 2019)Hensikt - Denne studien har som hensikt å utforske om word of mouth og intensjon om gjenkjøp blir påvirket ved kommunikasjon av miljøaspektet og samfunnsaspektet. Design/metode/tilnærming - Det er benyttet kvantitativ ... -
Culling calves
(Journal article, 2010)The shooting of calves or fawns can be a controversial matter. While in some countries the consensus among deer managers for the culling of calves is clear, it is often less clear exactly why. Jos Milner & Atle Mysterud ... -
Cultivation conditions for a moose (Alces alces) rumen bacterial isolate secreting cellulases
(Master thesis, 2018)The lignocellulosic biomass is the major carbon source in the nature, but is not easily degraded because of its recalcitrant characteristic. The moose (Alces alces) primarily depends upon the lignocellulosic biomass as ... -
Cultural and intercultural competence in fantasy graphic novels: Twig by Skottie Young & Nimona by ND Stevenson
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven, med tittelen Kulturell og interkulturell kompetanse i fantasy tegneserieromaner, utforsker hvordan fantasy tegneserieromanene Twig av Skottie Young og Kyle Strahm (2022) og Nimona av ND Stevenson (2015) ... -
“Cultural fusion or confusion?” An Analysis of Disney’s Evolution in Depicting Non-Western Cultures and Promoting Intercultural Competence.
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker fremstillingen av «ikke-vestlige» kulturer i Disneys animasjonsfilmer Aladdin og Encanto. Den undersøker hvordan denne fremstillingen har utviklet seg som svar på kritikk av rasisme og kulturell ... -
Cultural omnivorousness and musical gentrification. An outline of a sociological framework and its applications for music education research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this article, we aim to develop a theoretical model to understand what we refer to as ‘musical gentrification’ and to explore how this model might be applied to and inform music education research. We start from a ... -
Cultural Patterns of Information Source Use: A Global Study of 47 Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between national culture and information source use (ISU) on a global level. A secondary analysis was carried out on three different data sets. They were (a) ... -
Cultural responsiveness in the Incredible Years parenting programme for refugees: a case study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Incredible Years is a parenting programme that has been implemented in several countries, and in later years also used in groups consisting of newly arrived immigrant families. The aim of this paper is to explore how ... -
Culturally responsive assessment in compulsory schooling in Denmark and Iceland - An illusion or a reality? A comparative study of student teachers’ experiences and perspectives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper explores and compares student teachers’ experiences and perspectives on culturally responsive assessment in compulsory schooling in Denmark and Iceland. The study’s theoretical framework draws on scholarship on ...