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Nosokomiale infeksjoner i somatiske sykehus
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Oppgaven omhandler nosokomiale infeksjoner i somatiske sykehus. Formålet er å belyse hvordan sykepleiere bør arbeide for å forhindre spredning av smittsomme bakterier. Dette arbeidet er svært sentralt i forhold til ... -
Not all peripheries are the same: The importance of relative regional innovativeness in transnational innovation networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper aims to test the hypothesis according to which “relative” innovativeness (regions scoring higher than the national average in innovation rankings, such as the Regional Innovation Scoreboard) is more important ... -
Not so unique after all? Urgency and norms in EU foreign and security policy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The EU Global Strategy puts ‘principled pragmatism’ at the core of EU foreign and security policy. This has also been promoted as away of closing the gap between talk and action. Still, the concept has been widely criticized ... -
‘Not to judge by the looks but you can tell by the looks!’ Physical capital as symbolic capital in the individualization of health among young Norwegians
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)ABSTRACT Introduction Methods Findings Discussion Conclusion Disclosure statement Additional information References ABSTRACT In this paper we explore how 15–16-year-old Norwegians experience social and cultural norms that ... -
Not your problem? Exploring the relationship between problem formulation and social responsibility
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)This article explores the relationship between organizational problem formulation and social responsibility. The purpose of the article is to illuminate how organizational problem formulations (1) determine the manner in ... -
(Others, 2011) -
Novel interpretation of sperm stress test and morphology for maturity assessment of young Norwegian Red bulls
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The use of genomic selection significantly reduces the age of dairy bulls entering semen production compared to progeny testing. The study aimed to identify early indicators that could be used for screening bulls during ... -
Novelleskriving på ungdomstrinnet: En analyse av elevers bruk av kohesjonsmekanismer
(Master thesis, 2023)Novelleskriving på ungdomstrinnet handler om hvordan elevene bruker kohesjonsmekanismer når de skriver noveller. Studien plasserer seg innenfor tekstlingvistikken i språkvitenskapen, og forskningsprosjektet har en kvalitativ ... -
‘Now we have gym, now we have to perform’: Norwegian students’ perceptions of assessment and grading in physical education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Assessment has become a routine feature of school life, internationally. Little is known, however, about the consequences for young people of assessment and grading in physical education (PE) – a subject often associated ... -
NRKs bruk av sosiale medier i dekningen av stortingsvalget 2013
(Master thesis, 2014) -
NS 4102 og regnskapet i næringslivet
(Journal article, 2013)Fra artikkelen: Det legges opp til at statlige virksomheter nå skal utarbeide regnskapene sine i henhold til en kontoplan hentet fra det private næringsliv. Dette er en del av strevet med regnskap i staten der en henter ... -
The nuclear GUCT domain-containing DEAD-box RNA helicases govern gametophytic and sporophytic development in Physcomitrium patens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Key message In Physcomitrium patens, PpRH1/PpRH2 are GUCT-domain-containing DEAD-BOX RNA helicases localize to the nucleus. They are implicated in cell and tissue development in all stages of the moss life cycle. Abstract ... -
Nudging for bærekraftig transport. Kan rød asfalt skape mer sykkelbruk?
(Master thesis, 2018)En stadig økende befolkningsvekst, og en urbanisering vil i framtiden gi utfordringer knyttet til transportbehovet. Det er derfor viktig å tilrettelegge for sykkelen da undersøkelser har vist at sykkel som transportmiddel ... -
Nudging – Kunders opplevelse av hvordan matbutikken påvirker deres dagligvarekjøp
(Master thesis, 2021)Matproduksjon står for rundt en tredjedel av verdens klimautslipp, og kjøttproduksjon står for mesteparten av disse utslippene. I tillegg til dette, er et usunt kosthold blant de viktigste risikofaktorene for sykdom og ... -
Numeracy og voksne minoritetsspråklige med liten skolebakgrunn.
(Master thesis, 2017)Norsk: Numeracy, eller grunnleggende ferdigheter i regning, kan anses som en tilgangskompetanse i samfunnet, og en nøkkel til deltagelse på mange samfunnsarenaer. Alle mennesker, uansett kulturbakgrunn, har med seg en ... -
Numerical top-down effects on red deer (Cervus elaphus) are mainly shaped by humans rather than large carnivores across Europe
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Terrestrial ecosystems are shaped by interacting top-down and bottom-up processes, with the magnitude of top-down control by large carnivores largely depending on environmental productivity. While carnivore-induced numerical ... -
Nurse manager’s responsibilities in creating supportive working conditions post implementation of everyday coping : a hermeneutic research study of district nurses’ experiences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aim. To gain knowledge about how district nurses experience changes in working conditions and discuss nursing manager’s responsibility in facilitating working conditions for district nurses following the implementation of ... -
The nurse professional competence scale: Self‑reported professional competence among newly graduated nursing students in Saudi Arabia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Nursing students should develop sufficient professional competence during their nursing education as a prerequisite for providing safe care of high quality utilizing a holistic approach that suits the caring ... -
Nurses' experiences of transitions of older patients from hospitals to community care. A nation-wide survey in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background and Aims: Moving older patients from hospitals to community services is a critical phase of integrated care. Yet, large-scale research on the quality of these transitions has been missing. Consequently, it has ... -
Nurses’ and care workers’ experiences of spiritual needs in residents with dementia in nursing homes: a qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: The aim of the study was to investigate nurses’ and care workers’ experiences of spiritual needs among residents with dementia in nursing homes. Nurses claim to practice holistic nursing. Nevertheless, there ...