Browsing Brage INN by Title
Now showing items 6035-6054 of 8228
Prosjektet "Bibliotekar i faglig kontorfellesskap". Sluttrapport
(Informasjonsrapport, Working paper, 2007)Norsk: Ved å plassere bibliotekarkompetanse inn i et faglig kontorfellesskap, ønsket vi å finne ut om dette førte til bedre samhandling mellom bibliotek og faglig ansatte. Prosjektet hadde tre delmål:1) Gi bedre FoU-støtte. 2) ... -
Protecting mental health clients' dignity — The importance of legal control
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Protecting human beings' dignity is a fundamental value underlying the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as several recommendations and conventions derived from this, among them the European Convention of ... -
Protein separation using Design of Experiments and structure prediction in mixed modechromatography of potato protease inhibitors.
(Master thesis, 2016)Mixed-mode chromatography is a chromatographic method in protein purification that utilizes more than one form of interactions between the stationary phase and the solutes. As being advantageous over other types of ... -
Proteolysis inhibition by hibernating bear serum leads to increased protein content in human muscle cells
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Muscle atrophy is one of the main characteristics of human ageing and physical inactivity, with resulting adverse health outcomes. To date, there are still no efcient therapeutic strategies for its prevention and/or ... -
Proteomic study of low-temperature responses in strawberry cultivars (Fragaria × ananassa) that differ in cold tolerance
(Journal article, 2012)To gain insight into the molecular basis contributing to overwintering hardiness, a comprehensive proteomic analysis comparing crowns of octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivars that differ in freezing tolerance ... -
The provision of healthcare services to older LGBT adults in the Nordic countries: a scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives: Our objectives were to examine what is known about the provision of healthcare services to older LGBT adults in the Nordic countries, identify knowledge gaps, map implications of this research for the education ... -
Prøvefiske Lomnessjøen: 14.–16. august 2017
(Oppdragsrapport;4/2018, Research report, 2018)Lomnessjøen ble prøvefisket 14.-16. august 2017 med 16 garnnetter med bunngarn og 4 garnnetter med flytegarn. Garnene var av typen Nordiske oversiktsgarn. Totalt ble det fanget 7 arter og til sammen 453 fisk, mort (n=290), ... -
Prøvefiske og ekkoloddregistreringer i Osensjøen 2009
(Høgskolen i Hedmark - Rapport, Research report, 2009)Norsk: Det ble foretatt prøvefiske med 6 m dype oversikts flytegarn (7 maskevidder 18.5–46 mm) og med 2 m dype bunngarn med samme maskevidder i perioden 18–20. mai 2009. I tillegg ble det fisket med 5 enkeltgarn av ... -
Prøvenemnders tolkningsfellesskap og vurdering av fag- og svenneprøven
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Denne studien retter oppmerksomheten mot hvordanprøvenemndene kan utvikle et tolkningsfellesskap nårkandidatene skal vurderes faglig. Begrepet tolknings-fellesskap tar utgangspunkt i WengersCommunities ofpractice(1998, ... -
Psychological burden during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)After the first COVID-19 case was diagnosed in Germany, various measures limiting contact between people were introduced across the country. The implementation of these measures varied between jurisdictions and potentially ... -
Psychological distress and its associations with psychosocial work environment factors in four professional groups: a cross-sectional study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study aimed to explore associations between psychosocial work environment factors and psychological distress in four groups of professionals in Norway. Eight hundred fifty-six professionals participated in this ... -
Psychological distress and quality of life among Opioid Agonist Treatment service users with a history of injecting and non-injecting drug use: A cross-sectional study in Kathmandu, Nepal
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-02-06)Background: Opioid use disorder is a serious public health problem in Nepal. People who use opioids often experience psychological distress and poor quality of life. Opioid agonist Treatment (OAT) is central in managing ... -
Psychological prediction of stress-related hair steroid hormone levels in young men: a person-centered approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aim was to: (1) identify individual profiles in young men regarding personality and cognitive appraisal style employing easy-to-use instruments, and (2) to explore how such profiles relate to biological stress indicators. ... -
Psychological responses and associated factors during the initial lockdown due to the corona disease epidemic (COVID-19) among Norwegian citizens
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)BACKGROUND Ongoing COVID-19 studies pay little attention to the risk or protective factors related to psychological stress. AIMS This study aims to estimate the prevalence of anxiety, depression and insomnia during the ... -
Psychologists as Emergency First Responders during a pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Psychometric evaluation of Nurse Professional Competence Scale—Short-form Chinese language version among nursing graduate students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The aim of the study was to determine the psychometric properties, construct validity and internal consistency of the Chinese language version of the Nurse Professional Competence scale short form. Questionnaire data from ... -
Psychometric Properties of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale-Short Form in a Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care Context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Student-Teacher Relationship Scale-Short Form (STRS-SF) is one of the most frequently used instruments globally to measure professional caregivers’ perceptions of the relationship quality with a specific child. However, ... -
The psychosocial health of Black/African Americans compared with people of other ethnic origins during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Journal article, 2024)his study compared the psychosocial health between Black/African Americans and other ethnic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using self-report questionnaires, data were collected at three time points from April 2020 ... -
Psychosocial Job Strain and Sleep Quality Interaction Leading to Insufficient Recovery
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of job strain and sleep quality on the diurnal pattern of cortisol reactivity, measured by awakening and evening (10 PM) saliva cortisol. The sample consisted of 76 British ... -
Psychosocial Well-Being in Persons with Aphasia Participating in a Nursing Intervention after Stroke
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)The psychosocial adjustment process after stroke is complicated and protracted. The language is the most important tool for making sense of experiences and for human interplay, making persons with aphasia especially prone ...