Browsing Brage INN by Author "Boone, Randall B."
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: A cross-taxa test of the forage maturation hypothesis
Esmaeili, Saeideh; Jesmer, Brett R.; Albeke, Shannon E.; Aikens, Ellen O.; Schoenecker, Kathryn A.; King, Sarah R. B.; Abrahms, Briana; Buuveibaatar, Bayarbaatar; Beck, Jeffrey L.; Boone, Randall B.; Cagnacci, Francesca; Chamaillé-Jammes, Simon; Chimeddorj, Buyanaa; Cross, Paul C.; Dejid, Nandintsetseg; Enkhbyar, Jagdag; Fischhoff, Ilya R.; Ford, Adam T.; Jenks, Kate; Hemami, Mahmoud-Reza; Hennig, Jacob D.; Ito, Takehiko Y.; Kaczensky, Petra; Kauffman, Matthew J.; Linnell, John Durrus; Lkhagvasuren, Badamjav; McEvoy, John F.; Melzheimer, Joerg; Merkle, Jerod A.; Mueller, Thomas; Muntifering, Jeff; Mysterud, Atle; Olson, Kirk A.; Panzacchi, Manuela; Payne, John C.; Pedrotti, Luca; Rauset, Geir Rune; Rubenstein, Daniel I.; Sawyer, Hall; Scasta, John. D.; Signer, Johannes; Songer, Melissa; Stabach, Jared A.; Stapleton, Seth; Strand, Olav; Sundaresan, Siva R.; Usukhjargal, Dorj; Uuganbayar, Ganbold; Fryxell, John M.; Goheen, Jacob R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The forage maturation hypothesis (FMH) states that energy intake for ungulates is maximised when forage biomass is at intermediate levels. Nevertheless, metabolic allometry and different digestive systems suggest that ... -
Evaluating expert-based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS-tracking data
Broekman, Maarten J. E.; Hilbers, Jelle P.; Huijbregts, Mark A. J.; Mueller, Thomas; Ali, Abdullah H.; Andrén, Henrik; Altmann, Jeanne; Aronsson, Malin; Attias, Nina; Bartlam-Brooks, Hattie L. A.; van Beest, Floris M.; Belant, Jerrold L.; Beyer, Dean E.; Bidner, Laura; Blaum, Niels; Boone, Randall B.; Boyce, Mark S.; Brown, Michael B.; Cagnacci, Francesca; Cerne, Rok; Chamaillé-Jammes, Simon; Dejid, Nandintsetseg; Dekker, Jasja; Desbiez, Arnaud L. J.; Díaz-Muñoz, Samuel L.; Fennessy, Julian; Fichtel, Claudia; Fischer, Christina; Fisher, Jason T.; Fischhof, Ilya; Ford, Adam T.; Fryxell, John M.; Gehr, Benedict; Goheen, Jacob B.; Hauptfleisch, Morgan; Hewison, A. J. Mark; Hering, Robert; Heurich, Marco Dietmar; Isbell, Lynne A.; Janssen, René; Jeltsch, Florian; Kaczensky, Petra; Kappeler, Peter M.; Krofel, Miha; LaPoint, Scott; Latham, A. David M.; Linnell, John Durrus; Markham, A. Catherine; Mattisson, Jenny; Medici, Emilia Patricia; Van Moorter, Bram; Mysterud, Atle; Odden, John; Panzacchi, Manuela; Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Strand, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Aim: Macroecological studies that require habitat suitability data for many species often derive this information from expert opinion. However, expert- based informa-tion is inherently subjective and thus prone to errors. ...