Browsing Brage INN by Author "Broch, Trygve B"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Chasing an Olympic dream: a holistic approach to how youth athletes narrate injuries, performance, and the value of being seen
Kristiansen, Elsa; Broch, Trygve B; Stensrud, Trine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores how athletes experience injuries and performance pressures when striving for an “Olympic dream”, and focuses on how ten young women, aged 19–22, understand present and past experiences with injuries. ... -
Et kulturperspektiv på sport
Broch, Trygve B (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Hvordan kan det sterke programmet i kultursosiologi (SP) brukes i studier av sport? SP behandler hvordan kultur, sommeningsdannende prosesser, former sosiale relasjoner. I det følgende rettes søkelyset mot hvordan ... -
Performative Feelings for Others: The Civil Repair of Organised Competitive Sports
Broch, Trygve B (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In many western nations, sport is an institutional component of civil society that may be considered from quite different outlooks. From the critical theorists’ viewpoint, sport reproduces social hierarchies through ... -
Ritual pathways and dramaturgical efforts: Negotiating the meaning of organized play in Norwegian children's sports
Broch, Trygve B (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article joins Durkheim's theory of cult and Goffman's notion of an interactional membrane to show how rituals transform social life from mundanity to ritual, and back again. I update these classical theories with a ... -
Tårevåte Tiril: en etnografisk historie om idrettskonkurransens solidariske gleder
Broch, Trygve B (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Organisert lagidrett forsøker å balansere individers og gruppens mål. Denne balansekunsten finner sted innenfor et rammeverk av seier og tap. Det er derfor lett å anta at idrettsutøvere læres målrettet rasjonalitet og at ...