Browsing Brage INN by Author "Ellefsen, Live Weider"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Genre and Genring in Music Education
Ellefsen, Live Weider (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this article, I explore the theoretical and analytical potential of the concept of genring, which here refers to productive acts of temporary interpretation and signification, wherein existing classification systems and ... -
Music didactics as a multifaceted field of cultural didactic studies
Dyndahl, Petter; Ellefsen, Live Weider (NMH-publikasjoner;2009:8, Chapter, 2009)The purpose of this article is to explore how perspectives from cultural studies and post-structural theory can inform music education research, more particularly didactic aspects of teaching and learning music, and ... -
Musikalsk kompetanse som “mangfold og fordypning” Kunnskapsdiskurser i Rammeplan for kulturskolen.
Ellefsen, Live Weider (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Høsten 2016 forelå rammeplanen Mangfold og fordypning (Norsk Kulturskoleråd, 2016), som erstatter tidligere retningsgivende planer for norske kulturskoler. Planverket søker å legge til rette for et større mangfold i ... -
Musikk - Menneske - Mening
Ellefsen, Live Weider (Master thesis, 2008)Norsk: Spørsmål om mening og meningsfortolkning i musikk tilhører musikkestetikkens og musikkfilosofiens grunnlagsproblemer, og gir gjenklang innenfor musikkvitenskap, musikkpedagogikk og andre musikalske praksiser. I ... -
Policy and leadership discourses in Sweden’s Art and Music Schools: the inclusion of refugee children
Di Lorenzo Tillborg, Adriana; Ellefsen, Live Weider (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sweden’s Art and Music Schools (SAMS) have assumed some responsibility for facilitating refugee children’s social inclusion. This article investigates how the inclusion of refugee children in SAMS is introduced by leaders ... -
Sjangring som musikkdidaktisk praksis
Ellefsen, Live Weider (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I denne artikkelen argumenteres det for at sjanger ikke bare utgjør et kunnskapsinnhold i musikkfaget i grunnskolen, men også fungerer som en kunnskapsproduserende diskursiv praksis. For å forstå hvordan, og på bakgrunn ... -
What happens in school music in Norway? Findings from a national survey of music teachers
Ellefsen, Live Weider; Karlsen, Sidsel; Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article reports on a survey of Norwegian compulsory school music teachers, in which 293 teachers from 239 schools participated. In addition to providing demographic information, the teachers were asked what kinds of ...