Browsing Brage INN by Author "Tranøy, Bent Sofus"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Did they know what they were doing? The Euro-crisis as a policy fiasco
Hjertaker, Ingrid; Tranøy, Bent Sofus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)How should history judge the euro crisis and the way it was handled? Does it qualify as a policy fiasco in the sense that it was avoidable? Or could the crisis at least have been handled in a manner which substantially ... -
Different Faces of Fiscal Bureaucracy
Raudla, Ringa; Mjøset, Lars; Kattel, Rainer; Cepilovs, Aleksanders; Mikheeva, Olga; Tranøy, Bent Sofus (Journal article, 2018)In light of the growing importance of finance ministries and the financial dimension in policy-making, opening up the “black box” of fiscal bureaucracies is more warranted than ever. Our paper addresses the following ... -
The Dollar as a Mutual Problem: New Transatlantic Interdependence in Finance
Hjertaker, Ingrid; Tranøy, Bent Sofus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)When the 2007 global financial crisis hit financial markets, European leaders were quick to point the finger at US markets, excessive risk-taking, and insufficient regulation. However, it soon became apparent that European ... -
Equality as a driver of inequality? Universalistic welfare, generalised creditworthiness and financialised housing markets
Tranøy, Bent Sofus; Stamsø, Mary Ann; Hjertaker, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Scandinavian countries are known for their universalistic welfare states, corporatist coordination, strong economic performances and egalitarian outcomes, an institutional combination often referred to as the “The Nordic ... -
Finansiell idealisme versus finansiell pragmatisme
Tranøy, Bent Sofus (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)Dette kapitlet handler om kunnskapsgrunnlaget for moderne finansmarkedsregulering. Finans- og statsgjeldskrisene som har skyllet over verdensøkonomien de siste tre årene har aktualisert dette temaet med ubehagelig intensitet. ... -
Gjørv-kommisjonen: Nasjonal terapi og forvaltningspolitisk legitimitet
Høyer, Hans Christian; Madsbu, Jens Petter; Tranøy, Bent Sofus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)22. juli-kommisjonens rapport ble møtt med noe nær samstemt begeistring i media, fra høringsparter og i det politiske miljøet da den ble lansert i 2012. Rapporten framsto som grundig og ærlig, men etter nærlesing i enkelte ... -
New Public Paranoia
Tranøy, Bent Sofus (Chapter, 2014) -
Thinking about Thinking about Comparative Political Economy: From Macro to Micro and Back
Schwartz, Herman Mark; Tranøy, Bent Sofus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)