Blar i Brage INN på forfatter "Trollvik, Anne"
A Healthy Person: The Perceptions of Indonesian and Scandinavian Nursing Students
Høye, Sevald; Kvigne, Kari; Aiyub, Ilyas; Gillund, Margrethe Valen; Hermansyah, Hasan; Nordström, Gun; Rystedt, Ingrid; Suwarni, Abubakar; Trollvik, Anne; Larsson, Bodil Wilde; Hov, Reidun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate how nursing students in Indonesia and Scandinavia characterize a healthy person. Two hundred thirty-two nursing students from Indonesia, 50 students from Sweden, and ... -
Children's Experiences of Living With Asthma: Fear of Exacerbations and Being Ostracized
Trollvik, Anne; Nordbach, Reidun; Ringsberg, Karin; Silén, Charlotte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)The aim was to explore children’s experiences of asthma in order to tailor a learning program based on their perspectives. Fifteen children (7 -10 yrs) were interviewed and they narrated about their drawings; a phenomenological ... -
Establishing the HLS-Q12 short version of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire: latent trait analyses applying Rasch modelling and confirmatory factor analysis
Finbråten, Hanne Søberg; Larsson, Bodil Wilde; Nordström, Gun; Pettersen, Kjell Sverre; Trollvik, Anne; Guttersrud, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background: The European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47) is widely used in assessing health literacy (HL). There has been some controversy whether the comprehensive HLS-EU-Q47 data, reflecting a conceptual ... -
Explaining variance in health literacy among people with type 2 diabetes: the association between health literacy and health behaviour and empowerment
Finbråten, Hanne Søberg; Guttersrud, Øystein; Nordström, Gun; Pettersen, Kjell Sverre; Trollvik, Anne; Larsson, Bodil Wilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background To reflect the health literacy (HL) skills needed for managing type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in everyday life, HL in people with T2DM should be measured from a broader perspective than basic skills, such as proficiency ... -
Folkehelsearbeid i sykepleierutdanningen – utvikling av et undervisningsopplegg
Trollvik, Anne; Jørstad, Randi; Mæhlum, Synøve (17;2003, Research report, 2003)Helsefremmende og forebyggende virksomhet er sentrale strategier i folkehelsearbeid, og er en viktig del i grunnutdanningen av sykepleiere. Denne rapporten er en beskrivelse av et utviklingsarbeid som er gjort over en ... -
How can we support children, adolescents and young adults in managing chronic health challenges? A scoping review on the effects of patient education interventions
Stenberg, Una; Haaland-Øverby, Mette; Koricho, Absera Teshome; Trollvik, Anne; Rajka, Liv-Grethe Kristoffersen; Dybvig, Stine; Vågan, Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Objectives This scoping review aims to give a comprehensive and systematic overview of published evaluations and the potential impact of patient education interventions for children, adolescents and young adults who are ... -
Kartlegging av astmaundervisning til barn og foreldre i barneavdelinger mellom 2004, 2006 og 2014
Trollvik, Anne; Rajka, Liv-Grethe Kristoffersen; Nordström, Gun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The aim of the study was to investigate the organization of asthma education for children and parents in children’s wards in Norway over a ten-year period and how Ane and Bronky teaching material has been implemented. A ... -
Parents experiences raising a child with food allergy; A qualitative review
Moen, Øyfrid Larsen; Opheim, Elin; Trollvik, Anne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Problem:Food allergies are one of the fastest growing public health concerns without a cure, affecting approxi-mately 8% of the world's child population. Being the parent of a child with allergies may lead to concerns, and ... -
Sykelig overvektiges erfaringer og utfordringer med å delta i en livsstils intervensjon,- et beskrivende design
Skyrud, Randi Vangen; Trollvik, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The experiences and challenges faced by morbid obese subjects when participating in lifestyle intervention -
Tilbakemeldinger til sykepleiestudenter i praksis : Prosjektrapport 2015-2016
Carlsson, Marianne Reinfjell; Prestrud, Ingrid M.; Moen, Janne; Trollvik, Anne (Arbeidsnotat;217, Working paper, 2017)Ortopedisk sengepost har gjennom flere år drevet kontinuerlig forbedringsarbeid for å heve kvalitet til studentveiledning i praksis og samarbeidet med Høgskolen i Innlandet. Det allerede veletablert samarbeidet førte til ... -
Validating the Functional, Communicative and Critical Health Literacy Scale Using Rasch Modeling and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Finbråten, Hanne Søberg; Guttersrud, Øystein; Nordström, Gun; Pettersen, Kjell Sverre; Trollvik, Anne; Larsson, Bodil Wilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background and Purpose: The functional, communicative, and critical health literacy (FCCHL) scale is widely used for assessing health literacy (HL) in people with chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Despite ...