Blar i Brage INN på forfatter "Walton, Zea"
Eurasian lynx ( Lynx lynx ) and wolverine ( Gulo gulo ) response to seasonal variation in prey availability: influences on space use, seasonal site fidelity and reproduction
Walton, Zea (Master thesis, 2015)In systems with migratory prey, resource availability varies seasonally and can modify the spatialorganization of carnivores. Pred ators within these systems must therefore adopt a strategy to deal with prey movements when ... -
Movement across scales: red fox spatial ecology
Walton, Zea (Doctoral thesis, 2020)Rødrevens forflytningsmønster på forskjellige romlige skalaer Menneskelig påvirkning på naturlige habitater kan medføre reduserte bevegelsesmuligheter for noen dyrearter, eller fasilitere typiske generalister som rødrev ... -
Variation in home range size of red foxes Vulpes vulpes along a gradient of productivity and human landscape alteration
Walton, Zea; Samelius, Gustaf; Odden, Morten; Willebrand, Tomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Home range size is a fundamental concept for understanding animal dispersion and ecologi- cal needs, and it is one of the most commonly reported ecological attributes of free-ranging mammals. Previ ...