Browsing Brage INN by Author "Westlie, Knut"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Caring teaching and the complexity of building good relationships as pedagogies for social justice in health and physical education
Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut; Gerdin, Gøran; Wayne, Smith; Linnér, Susanne; Philpot, Rod Allan; Schenker, Katarina; Larsson, Lena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The Health and Physical Education (HPE) profession has increasingly advocated for caring teacher-student relationships. In this paper, we draw on data from an international research project called ‘EDUHEALTH’ [Education ... -
Conceptualising social justice – what constitutes pedagogies for social justice in HPE across different contexts?
Schenker, Katarina; Linnér, Susanne; Smith, Wayne; Gerdin, Göran; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Philpot, Rod Allan; Larsson, Lena; Legge, Maureen; Westlie, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The paper explores the concept of social justice in Health and Physical Education (HPE) as constituted and addressed across three different countries – Sweden, Norway and New Zealand – and how HPE teaching practices for ... -
«Ei mil vid og ein tomme djup»? – ei undersøking av innhald og undervisning i kroppsøving på ungdomstrinnet i Noreg
Standal, Øyvind Førland; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Hensikta med denne artikkelen er å undersøke om og eventuelt på kva måtar kroppsøvingsfaget kan skildrast som «ei mil vid og ein tomme djup». Artikkelen går dermed inn i ein aktuell skulepolitisk kontekst som vektlegg ... -
The enactment of social justice in HPE practice: How context(s) comes to matter.
Linnér, Susanne; Larsson, Lena; Gerdin, Göran; Philpot, Rod; Schenker, Katarina; Westlie, Knut; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Smith, Wayne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)For more than 40 years, health and physical education (HPE) academics in universities and teacher education colleges have drawn attention to issues of social justice specific to the context of PE and advocated for teachers ... -
Kroppsøving i Elverumskolen. En kartleggingsstudie av elever, lærere og skolelederes opplevelse av kroppsøvingsfaget i grunnskolen
Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut; Brattli, Vidar Hammer; Bjørke, Lars; Vaktskjold, Arild (Oppdragsrapport;2/15, Research report, 2015-09-18)Studien er en surveyundersøkelse i Elverumskolen som omfatter elever (N=751), lærere (N=57) og skoleledere (N=14) og deres opplevelse av kroppsøvingsfaget. Studien viser at de fleste elevene liker seg godt på skolen og ... -
Kroppsøvingslæreren som en inkluderende pedagog i skjæringspunktet mellom individ og samfunn
Westlie, Knut; Moen, Kjersti Mordal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Forskning har vist at kroppsøvingsfaget favoriserer enkelte elevgrupper og marginaliserer andre (se f. eks. Dowling, 2016; Fitzpatrick, 2013; Gerdin et al., 2019; Öhman, Almqvist & Meckbach, 2014). Denne artikkelen baserer ... -
Når ambisjon møter tradisjon: En nasjonal kartleggingsstudie av kroppsøvingsfaget i grunnskolen (5.–10. trinn)
Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut; Bjørke, Lars; Brattli, Vidar Hammer (Oppdragsrapport;1/2018, Research report, 2018)Studien er basert på en surveyundersøkelse i Norge som omfatter elever (N=3226), lærere (N=139) og skoleledere (N=46) og deres opplevelse av, og meninger om kroppsøvingsfaget. Studien viser at de fleste elevene liker seg ... -
Researching social justice and health (in)equality across different school Health and Physical Education contexts in Sweden, Norway and New Zealand
Gerdin, Göran; Philpot, Rod Allan; Larsson, Lena; Schenker, Katarina; Linnér, Susanne; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut; Smith, Wayne; Legge, Maureen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The way school Health and Physical Education (HPE) is conceptualized and taught will impact on its ability to provide equitable outcomes across gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion and social class. A focus on social ... -
School HPE: its mandate, responsibility and role in educating for social cohesion.
Smith, Wayne; Philpot, Rod Allan; Gerdin, Göran; Schenker, Katarina; Linnér, Susanne; Larsson, Lena; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In a world of increasing diversity in which many established democracies are now consumed by capitalist individualism and protectionist ideals, a focus on equity and social justice is particularly pertinent. For many years, ... -
Social Justice Pedagogies in School Health and Physical Education – Building Relationships, Teaching for Social Cohesion and Addressing Social Inequities
Gerdin, Göran; Larsson, Lena; Schenker, Katarina; Linnér, Susanne; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut; Smith, Wayne; Philpot, Rod (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A focus on equity and social justice in school health and physical education (HPE) is pertinent in an era where there are growing concerns about the impact of neoliberal globalization and the precariousness of society. The ... -
Taking action for social justice in HPE classrooms through explicit critical pedagogies.
Philpot, Rod; Gerdin, Göran; Smith, Wayne; Linnér, Susanne; Schenker, Katarina; Westlie, Knut; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Larsson, Lena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: A focus on equity, democracy and social justice in HPE is pertinent in an era where there are growing concerns about the impact of neoliberal globalisation and precariousness of society (Kirk 2020). Although ... -
Teaching for student and societal wellbeing in HPE: nine pedagogies for social justice
Gerdin, Göran; Philpot, Rod; Smith, Wayne; Schenker, Katarina; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Larsson, Lena; Linnér, Susanne; Westlie, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We currently find ourselves living in precarious times, with old and new social inequities on the rise due to the challenges associated with an unprecedented rise of global migration and neoliberalism, amplified in our ... -
The Changing Room in Physical Education as Cross Roads Between Fields and Curricula: The Experiences of Norwegian Students
Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Westlie, Knut; Skille, Eivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)With a survey of physical education (PE) among a national representative sample of fifth to tenth grade students (N = 3,226) in Norway, we investigated how students experience the changing room situation in relation to PE ...