Browsing Master i anvendt økologi / Master of applied ecology MAOK by Title
Now showing items 136-149 of 149
To eat or to be eaten : Modelling part of the vertebrate food web of the boreal forest ecosystem in Fennoscandia
(Master thesis, 2018)Trophic relationships, amongst others, define the structure of an ecosystem. They are mostly simplified and described as plant-herbivore and predator-prey interactions. Modelling trophic interactions are one way to improve ... -
To run or stay : anti-hunter behaviour of female moose
(Master thesis, 2013)In Norway, hunting is the main mortality factor of moose (Alces alces), with hunters killing approximately ¼ of the fall population each year. During 2009 and 2010 I studied escape behaviour of GPS/VHF-marked female moose ... -
Travel Distances for Territorial Wolves in Fulufjellet, Sweden
(Master thesis, 2012)English: The background of this study was to look at travel patterns and distances for territorial wolves where I in addition to GPS positions also have tracking data. The objective of the study was to find how far the ... -
Tree regeneration dynamics in Norwegian forests
(Master thesis, 2022)Tree regeneration is essential for res-establishing and extending our valuable early and existing woodland in the forest. Tree regeneration increases biodiversity, provide habitat, shelter and conserve genetic stock. ... -
Using ecological niche modelling to prioritise areas for conservation of the critically endangered Buffy-Headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps).
(Master thesis, 2022)Endemic to the Atlantic Forest in South-eastern Brazil, the Buffy-Headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps) has the smallest geographical range of all South American primates. Considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red ... -
Using empirical data to quantify implementation uncertainty in small game harvest management
(Master thesis, 2016)Sustainable resource management requires that managers are able to control the harvest offtake. This is challenging in systems with multiple objectives and great uncertainties, which is often the case in small game harvest ... -
Using genetic markers to reveal the source and introduction history of the translocated European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus L.) in Lake Storsjøen
(Master thesis, 2013)Introduced species are one of the major threats to freshwater systems worldwide. The ability to accurately determine the original source of invading species offers several powerful applications in invasive species ecology ... -
Using turfs to facilitate recovery in a low-alpine environment. - What matters?
(Master thesis, 2017)Establishment and survival of plants in low-alpine ecosystems depend strongly on local environmental conditions, as for example nutrient availability and especially temperature. Some of these conditions are rather unpredictable ... -
Where is the refrigerator? A spatial approach to wolverine (Gulo gulo) food hoarding behavior in Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2017)Food hoarding helps animals to maintain their physical condition during times of food scarcity. Wolverines (Gulo gulo) inhabitat mostly environments of low productivity, and are known to hoard food for long-term periods, ... -
Winter distribution of eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in relation to prey distribution and anthropogenically altered landscape in south-eastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2009)Gaupe er en av de store rovdyrene i Norge. Gaupas forflyttning kan skape forskjellige niva av nyskjerrighet, beundring, bekymring og frykt i vares samfunn, som kan føre til konflikter. Derfor kan det være viktig a ha ... -
Wolf Dens in Scandinavia at a closer look: Characteristics and small-scale habitat selection
(Master thesis, 2024)Wolves (Canis lupus) are born in an altricial state and require extensive care in the early stages of life as they are born blind, naked, and unable to hide. In their first weeks they stay around the den, and as such, the ... -
Wolf space use in a seasonally changing environment
(Master thesis, 2021)In this study, we investigate the space use of a recolonizing predator in Scandinavia in relation to the density of its main prey and other environmental variables. Animal space use is influenced by intrinsic factors, ... -
Wolf use of areas planned for wind power development in Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2022)The global energy demand is increasing, and the world is shifting towards using more renewable energy. As a result, onshore wind power development is increasing, though little is known about effects of wind power development ... -
Wolf-human interaction: a method and pilot study for experimental human approaches on wild, GPScollared wolves
(Master thesis, 2020)Wolves are recolonising human-dominated landscapes, which increases conflicts as people express fear based on the perception that wolves are dangerous and unpredictable. Increasing knowledge about behavioural responses of ...