Browsing Master i næringsrettet bioteknologi / Master of applied and commercial biotechnology M2NRBIOTEK by Title
Now showing items 42-61 of 89
Gene expression profiles of phosphorus-accumulating ppk1 gene in an EBPR system
(Master thesis, 2024)The effluent from industries and urbanization contains phosphorus, which pollutes water bodies and depletes phosphorus sources. To address this problem, the Hias method is considered an advanced and effective technique for ... -
Genetic analyses of functionally conserved residues in the Defective-kernel1 laminin G3-like domain of the moss Physcomitrella patens.
(Master thesis, 2016)DEFECTIVE KERNEL1 (DEK1), the single calpain of land plants, is highly conserved over the past 450 million years and it has been shown that the protein is essential for determining cell wall orientation in 3D growth. A ... -
"Genetic and epigenetic analyses of Scots pine of divergent origin, sowed Swedish seed vs. wind-blown Norwegian seed in two fire-cleared and two logged forests"
(Master thesis, 2024)Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is the most widely distributed pine species across Eurasia and is a vital genetic resource in Norway with a widespread geographic range. It is one of the most suitable and best pioneer ... -
Greener Business Models: A Journey from Petrochemicals to Biogas
(Master thesis, 2022)Executive Summary In many developed countries of the world, the rate of research and technology development is speeding up with lots of positive results. Most of the companies even recruit employees for the research purpose, ... -
Gut Microbiota of HIV patients: Investigation by IlluminaMiSeq Shallow Sequencing
(Master thesis, 2014)The colonization of a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a primary target for HIV infection. HIV infection causes inflammation, which results in disruption of the mucosal surface of the gut and the breakdown of the gut ... -
(Master thesis, 2014)Value of biotechnology firms relies upon the complex interplay between human capital and IP assets, where, human capital translates the market potential of IP asset to the true market value. This study aims to introduce ... -
Identification and enzyme production of a cellulolytic Bacillus-strain isolated from moose (Alces alces) rumen
(Master thesis, 2013)A major obstacle to industrial-scale production of fuel from lignocellulose lies in the inefficient deconstruction of plant material, due to the recalcitrant nature of the substrate toward enzymatic breakdown and the ... -
Identification of gut microbiota markers for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in children : Early diagnostic potentials
(Master thesis, 2011)There are a growing body of evidences that the human gut microbiota is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Two mains forms exists, namely Crohn’s disease (CD) and Ulcerative Coilitis (UC). ... -
Identification of optimal sgRNA candidates for mutagenesis of the ALS1 gene in Ipomoea batatas using in-vitro cleavage assay and CRISPR/Cas9 technology
(Master thesis, 2023)Plant genome editing, a transformative technology in agriculture and biotechnology, faces challenges in efficiently delivering CRISPR/Cas components. Current methods, including Agrobacterium-mediated delivery, particle ... -
Karakterisering av immuncellerespons og antimikrobiell effekt hos Dendrobaena veneta
(Master thesis, 2009)Norsk: Studie av det innate immunforsvaret hos meitemark kan brukes til å øke forståelsen av mekanismene som ligger til grunn for immunsystemet hos høyerestående dyr. I dette arbeidet har det blitt etablert og optimalisert ... -
Levels of BDNF, Pro-BDNF, Leptin and Adiponectin in inpatients with severe mental disorders: A cross-sectional cohort study
(Master thesis, 2024)Nevroner og dens dysregulering er knyttet til mentale lidelser. Hjerne-avledet nevrotrofisk faktor (BDNF) spiller en nøkkelrolle i nevronal utvikling, overlevelse og i å forbedre synaptisk plastisitet, mens forløperen ... -
Liquid Array Diagnostics Technology for SARS-CoV-2 variant detection
(Master thesis, 2024)Dette prosjektet tar sikte på å møte etterspørselen etter nøyaktig diagnostikk og terapier for SARS-CoV-2 ved å lage en multipleksanalyse som bruker Liquid Array Diagnostics (LAD) teknologi. Analysen bruker SNP-genotyping ... -
Market structure, opportunities, limitations and strategies for penetrating the Ukrainian market with Norsvin genetics
(Master thesis, 2010)English: The purpose of this study is to investigate the market structure of pig breeding in Ukraine, competitor survey, opportunities and limitations for penetrating the Ukrainian market with Norsvin genetics. In the ... -
Medthings AS – a break-through innovation with the handling of medication
(Master thesis, 2021)Patients depend on medicines to maintain health, prevent illness, manage chronic ailments and treat/improve disease conditions. However, there are growing reports indicating the misuse of medicines (not taken on time, ... -
Mercury accumulation in European perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Lake Mjøsa. Effect on the activity of Superoxide dismutase and Glutathione peroxidase enzymes.
(Master thesis, 2014)Mercury pollution in freshwater is widespread and a concern to human health. Administering mercury chloride to organisms under study to determine the acute toxicity of mercury has been a common approach in studying pathology ... -
Micro-Biogas Digestors: Creating a positive environmental impact
(Master thesis, 2023)A multinational agriculture corporation seeks to expand its operations. The fundamental purpose of our study would be to assess the various benefits and drawbacks of either manufacturing or distributing, which could be an ... -
Mitochondrial dynamics and uncoupling protein 2 in hippocampus of the mutUNG1 mouse model
(Master thesis, 2013)Mitokondrier er viktige organeller for energiomsetningen i nerveceller. Energibehovet er høyere i nevroner enn i de fleste andre celler, og viser seg i form av høyt forbruk av oksygen i hjernen. Endogene reaktive oksygen ... -
Molecular typing, antimicrobial resistance profiling and phylogeny of Campylobacter based on whole genome sequencing
(Master thesis, 2018)Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are zoonotic pathogens causing diarrhoeal illnesses. Between 2009 and 2017 campylobacteriosis affected a total of 26,676 people in Norway, mostly involving C. jejuni. Increased ... -
Monetary value estimation model for patent and patent application
(Master thesis, 2011)This study aims to contribute to estimating economic value of a patent/patent application for Biotechnology companies. To be able to perform a solid portfolio management of patents and patent applications, it is ...