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dc.contributor.authorAbdalla, Marianne Fresjarå
dc.description.abstractBakgrunn og formål Mennesker som mottar hjelp ved distriktspsykiatriske sentra (DPS) lever sine liv hovedsakelig utenfor institusjonen og ikke innenfor som tidligere. Hovedutfordringene dette innebærer for pasienter og personale er bedret samarbeid og utvikling, bedret tilgjengelighet, styrket faglig innhold og styrket brukermedvirkningen på individ- og systemnivå. Forskningsprosjektet ”Når rammene løses opp” 2009/2011, er et miljøterapiprosjekt som omfatter personalet, pårørende, kommunale samarbeidspartnere og pasienter ved et DPS. Denne studien inngår som en del av hovedprosjektet. Formålet er å fremme brukernes bedringsprosess gjennom økt forståelse. Problemstillingen er: Hvilke erfaringer har pasienter med langvarig og alvorlig psykisk lidelse av miljøterapien ved en døgnpost på et distriktspsykiatrisk senter? Metode Dette er en kvalitativ studie. Dataene har fremkommet på grunnlag av åtte semistrukturerte intervjuer. Det ble gjennomført en kvalitativ innholdsanalyse inspirert av Kvale og Brinkmann (2009). Resultater Studiens funn viser at miljøterapien erfares på ulik måte ut fra pasientens psykiske tilstand. Tilstanden er delt inn i tre tema; ”Indre uro”, ”Tiltaksløshet og ensomhet” og ”Gryende tillit og trygghet til egen helse”. Ulike miljøterapeutiske tilnærminger er kategorisert i undertemaene ”helsefremmende miljøterapi” og ”helsehemmende miljøterapi”.en_US
dc.description.abstractEngelsk sammendrag (abstract): Title From the shelters’ protection till involvement and validation. Patients' experience of milieu therapy at a regional psychiatric center. Background and purpose People who receive assistance at the regional psychiatric centers (DPS) live their lives mainly outside the institution and not within, as before. The main challenges both for patients and staff points to better cooperation and development, better accessibility, enhanced academic content and strengthen user participation at individual and system level. The research project "When the framework is dissolved" 2009/2011, is a milieu therapy project that includes staff, families, community partners and patients at a DPS. This study is part of the main project. The purpose is to promote users' recovery process through increased understanding. The question is: What experiences, patients with prolonged and severe mental disorder of milieu therapy at a district psychiatric center? Method This is a qualitative study. The data have emerged on the basis of eight semi-structured interviews. It was conducted a qualitative content analysis inspired by Kvale and Brinkmann (2009). Results The study findings show that milieu therapy experienced in various ways, from the mental condition. The state is divided into three theme called "inner turmoil", “of initiative and loneliness "and" growing trust and confidence in their own health." Various milieu therapeutic approaches are categorized under the themes "health promoting therapy" and "anti-health promoting therapy." Keywords Milieu therapy, patient experience, psychiatric day mail.en
dc.description.sponsorshipBackground and purpose People who receive assistance at the regional psychiatric centers (DPS) live their lives mainly outside the institution and not within, as before. The main challenges both for patients and staff points to better cooperation and development, better accessibility, enhanced academic content and strengthen user participation at individual and system level. The research project "When the framework is dissolved" 2009/2011, is a milieu therapy project that includes staff, families, community partners and patients at a DPS. This study is part of the main project. The purpose is to promote users' recovery process through increased understanding. The question is: What experiences, patients with prolonged and severe mental disorder of milieu therapy at a district psychiatric center? Method This is a qualitative study. The data have emerged on the basis of eight semi-structured interviews. It was conducted a qualitative content analysis inspired by Kvale and Brinkmann (2009). Results The study findings show that milieu therapy experienced in various ways, from the mental condition. The state is divided into three theme called "inner turmoil", “of initiative and loneliness "and" growing trust and confidence in their own health." Various milieu therapeutic approaches are categorized under the themes "health promoting therapy" and "anti-health promoting therapy."en_US
dc.titleFra lyets beskyttelse til engasjement og gyldiggjøring : Pasienters erfaring av miljøterapi på en døgnpost ved et distriktspsykiatrisk senteren_US
dc.title.alternativeFrom the shelters’ protection till involvement and validation Patients' experience of milieu therapy at a regional psychiatric centeren_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200::Psychology: 260en_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Health sciences: 800en_US
dc.source.pagenumber89 bl.en_US

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