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dc.contributor.authorImerslund, Knut
dc.description.abstractNorsk: Ved Avdeling for lærerutdanning ved Høgskolen i Hedmark ble Forskningsdagen for 2002 arrangert den torsdag den 26. september. De som ønsket det, fikk i etterkant tilbud om å publisere sitt foredrag som artikkel i høgskolens rapportserie. I denne rapporten presenteres foredragene til de som ønsket å benytte seg av dette tilbudet. I den foreliggende samlingen er det artikler som tar opp spørsmål direkte knyttet til virksomheten i barnehage og grunnskole, men det tas også opp problemstillinger knyttet til lærerutdanninga og utformingen av den.no_NO
dc.description.abstractEnglish: “Forskningsdagen” - a day for the presentation of research and development projects at The Faculty of Education, Hedmark College, was arranged on September 26th 2002. In addition to the lecture or presentation given on that day, faculty members were invited to submit their lecture as an essay in a report. In this report we present the essays of those who wanted to have their contribution published in a written form. The essays presented in the report show a variety of subject matters, reflecting the different professional backgrounds of the authors. The essays have, however, a common theme, which is due to the fact that the authors are all connected to the same institution of education. This common theme could be defined as “school and education”. In this collection there are essays dealing with questions related to activities in playschool and the obligatory school, in addition to essays dealing with teacher training and how to develop it. One of the essays deals mostly with purely technical questions. All the essays in this report contain an element of research done by the author of the essay. This research element, be it big or small, is formed as an analysis or an account of a research project. In this way the report is an expression of the research production which is currently taking place at our institution, and which we hope will be of interest to our students, to teachers in various schools and colleges, as well as to the general public.
dc.titleKrysspeilinger IIno_NO
dc.title.alternativeArtikler fra Forskningsdagen 2002no_NO
dc.typeResearch reportno_NO

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