Browsing Master i lektorutdanning i språkfag LU2SPF by Title
Now showing items 46-58 of 58
Teacher beliefs about chunks and their place in English vocabulary teaching
(Master thesis, 2021)English: Lexical chunks have recently been given more attention by researchers and scholars in relation to language learning. This study investigates teacher beliefs about chunks and their place in English vocabulary ... -
Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Multilingualism in Norwegian Lower Secondary School
(Master thesis, 2023)Gjennom engelskfaget i Fagfornyelsen LK20 kobles språklæringen blant annet til begreper som livsmestring, mangfold og relevans. Norge er svært mangfoldig med sine borgere av mange ulike kulturer og språk. I et mangfoldig ... -
Teachers’ beliefs on creative writing in English language teaching in Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)English: The use of creative writing in education has seen an upturn in the last decades due to increased knowledge about its area of use and application in the classroom. Whether or not this upturn is visible in the ... -
Texts to inspire learning about diversity in the Norwegian EFL classroom: An analysis of Citizens YF's promotion of intercultural competence
(Master thesis, 2024)Etter gjeldende læreplan, LK20, skal utdanning fremme kunnskap om kultur og interkulturell kompetanse. I tillegg viser tidligere forskning at mange norske engelsklærere kan være avhengige av lærebøker i undervisningstimene ... -
The death or revival of translation in the English subject in Norwegian upper secondary school
(Master thesis, 2022)Norsk sammendrag I dette prosjektet har jeg utforsket om oversettelse blir brukt og hvordan og hvorfor oversettelse blir brukt i engelskfaget i norsk videregående skole. For å belyse dette temaet, så har jeg har utført tre ... -
The Paradigm Shift and its Influence on English Pronunciation Expectations among Teachers and Students
(Master thesis, 2023)Målet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å utforske hvordan innholdsforventningene til engelsk uttale skiller seg fra lærere og elever i den norske videregående skole. For å få innsikt i dette temaet ble seks deltakere ... -
The Potential of Postcolonial Literature for Fostering Intercultural Competence in Norwegian Upper Secondary Schools
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven har til hensikt å belyse hvordan postkolonial litteratur kan bidra til å øke interkulturell kompetanse blant engelskelever i den videregående opplæringen i Norge. I likhet med læreplaner i andre land, ... -
The teaching of idiomatic expressions in upper secondary school after the implementation of the LK20, from the perspectives of English language teachers.
(Master thesis, 2022)Målet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å få innsikt i hvordan engelsklærere som underviser på videregående skole forstår og adresserer idiomatiske uttrykk i klasserommet etter at det nye LK20-pensumet trådte i kraft. I ... -
The use of I as subject in mental and verbal processes in texts by Norwegian advanced learners of English Lecturer Education in English Spring 2018
(Master thesis, 2018)English: The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the hypothesis that Norwegian advanced learners of English overuse I as subject in mental and verbal processes, and in the recurrent word-combinations I think, I feel, ... -
Trysildialekten i endring? En sosiolingvistisk undersøkelse av tre generasjoner talere av trysildialekt
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne masteravhandlingen har jeg foretatt en sosiolingvistisk studie med mål om å finne ut av hvilke forskjeller vi finner mellom tre generasjoner talere av trysildialekten. Hensikten med studien er å bidra til en dypere ... -
Validity in Measuring Intercultural Competence at the Written Exam in English
(Master thesis, 2020)English: In this thesis I have explored the validity in measuring pupils’ intercultural competence at the vg1 English written exam. To do this I analysed important steering documents and exam documents in Norwegian ... -
What is ‘correct’ English pronunciation for Norwegians? – A study on L2 language choices and attitudes to English accents of pupils attending vocational studies in upper secondary school
(Master thesis, 2021)English: With the rise of English as a global language and its importance for international communication, Norwegians are exposed to and interact with it on a daily basis. As a result of the high socio-economic level, ... -
Young Adult Dystopian Literature. Didactic Benefits of its use in the English Subject Classroom in Norway.
(Master thesis, 2018)English: This thesis examines didactic benefits of young adult (YA) dystopian literature when used in the English subject classroom in Norway. More specifically, the study investigates how working with this genre can ...