• Beiteatferd, habitatseleksjon og produktivitet hos storfe på utmarksbeite 

      Tofastrud, Morten; Zimmermann, Barbara; Devineau, Olivier; Hessle, Anna; Aletengqimuke, Sukebate; Dickel, Lisa; Hegnes, Hilde; Møllevold, Ole Henrik; Skoglund, Bjørn Holmen; Spedener, Mélanie (Skriftserien;35/2019, Research report, 2019)
      Politiske målsetninger om økt storfekjøttproduksjon i Innlandet gjør at storfebeiting i utmark er forventet å øke, og da særlig andelen av spesialiserte, internasjonale kjøttferaser. Storfe er avlet til å yte maksimalt på ...
    • Classification of behaviors of free-ranging cattle using accelerometry signatures collected by virtual fence collars 

      Versluijs, Erik; Niccolai, Laura Jeanne; Spedener, Mélanie; Zimmermann, Barbara; Hessle, Anna; Tofastrud, Morten; Devineau, Olivier; Evans, Alina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Precision farming technology, including GPS collars with biologging, has revolutionized remote livestock monitoring in extensive grazing systems. High resolution accelerometry can be used to infer the behavior of an animal. ...
    • Effects of cattle grazing on young spruce trees in boreal production forest 

      Spedener, Mélanie; Mathisen, Karen Marie; Hauer, Josh; Hérault, Rémi; Austrheim, Gunnar; Tofastrud, Morten; Zimmermann, Barbara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The compatibility of forest livestock grazing with timber production is disputed, as livestock can damage young trees through browsing and trampling. At the same time, livestock grazing might reduce the growth of competing ...
    • A Grazer in a Browser's Habitat: Resource Selection of Foraging Cattle in Productive Boreal Forest 

      Spedener, Mélanie; Tofastrud, Morten; Austrheim, Gunnar; Zimmermann, Barbara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      In Norway, cattle (Bos taurus) are released to large areas of boreal forest for summer grazing. To determine to what degree this practice challenges timber production and wildlife management, we need a better understanding ...
    • Microhabitat selection of free-ranging beef cattle in south-boreal forest 

      Spedener, Mélanie; Tofastrud, Morten; Devineau, Olivier; Zimmermann, Barbara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)