Browsing Brage INN by Author "Skarpe, Christina"
Now showing items 1-20 of 37
Browsing by giraffe in heterogeneous savanna
Mahenya, Obeid John (Doctoral thesis, 2017)Understanding foraging behaviour of wild animals is an important step for wildlife management and conservation and for learning the animal’s role in the ecosystem. I used Maasai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi ... -
Can trackers count free-ranging wildlife as effectively and efficiently as conventional aerial survey and distance sampling? Implications for citizen science in the Kalahari, Botswana
Keeping, Derek; Burger, Julia H; Keitsile, Amo O; Gielen, Marie-Charlotte; Mudongo, Edwin; Wallgren, Märtha; Skarpe, Christina; Foote, A Lee (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Cascading effects of moose (Alces alces) management on birds
Mathisen, Karen Marie; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Large herbivores often have key functions in their ecosystems, and may change ecosystem processes with cascading effects on other animals. The mechanisms often involve relocations of resources of various kinds, including ... -
Contrasting responses of two passerine bird species to moose browsing
Mathisen, Karen Marie; Pedersen, Simen; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Large herbivores may modify the ecosystem in a way that affects habitat quality and resource availability for other fauna. The increase in wild ungulate abundance in many areas may therefore lead to ecosystem changes, affecting ... -
Diameter growth of trees in miombo and acacia woodland in an eroded landscape in NE Tanzania
Backéus, Ingvar; Skoglund, Jerry; Skarpe, Christina; Hytteborn, Håkan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Diameter increment of trees typical of miombo and acacia woodland was studied during a period of 20 years in Kondoa district, Tanzania. The study was performed in permanent plots in a severely degraded area subjected to ... -
Diversidad forrajera tropical 1: Selección y uso de leñosas forrajeras en sistemas de alimentación ganadera para zonas secas de Nicaragua
Pérez Almario, Nelson; Ibrahim, Mohammad; Villanueva, Cristóbal; Skarpe, Christina; Guerin, Hubert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Se evaluaron diez especies con potencial forrajero para zonas secas de Rivas, Nicaragua con el fin de integrarlas en el diseño de sistemas silvopastoriles como estrategias de alimentación bovina. Las especies evaluadas ... -
Diversidad forrajera tropical 2. Rasgos funcionales que determinan la calidad nutricional y preferencia de leñosas forrajeras para su inclusión en sistemas de alimentación ganadera en zonas secas
Pérez Almario, Nelson; Ibrahim, Mohammad; Villanueva, Cristóbal; Skarpe, Christina; Guerin, Hubert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)La adquisición de recursos del suelo por las plantas depende de la especie, las características del suelo y de otros factores del medio ambiente local. El fin de este estudio fue conocer la distribución y los tipos de ... -
Does large herbivore removal affect secondary metabolites, nutrients and shoot length in woody species in semi-arid savannas?
Scogings, Peter F.; Hjältén, Joachim; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)We hypothesised that exclusion of long-term browsing leads to decreased nutrient concentrations, increased carbon-based secondary metabolites (CBSMs) and decreased shoot length in woody plants in semi-arid savannas. To ... -
Effects of Increased Soil Scarification Intensity on Natural Regeneration of Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris L. and Birch Betula spp. L.
Saursaunet, Mona; Mathisen, Karen Marie; Skarpe, Christina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
En integrerad förvaltning av älg och skog
Skarpe, Christina; Mathisen, Karen Marie (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)I detta kapitel diskuterar vi möjligheten att i ökad omfattning utnyttja både värdet av skog och av älg genom en aktiv integrerad förvaltning av båda resurserna. En sådan samförvaltning bygger på att hålla ett ... -
Forest rehabilitation, biodiversity and ecosystem services in Java, Indonesia
Udayana, Cicik (PhD thesis in applied ecology;17, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Planting av trær i degraderte områder er en viktig restaureringsstrategi for å øke forsyningen av økosystemtjenester. Når vi planter spesifikke arter for enkelte formål, for eksempel tømmerproduksjon, kaller vi det ... -
Giraffe browsing in response to plant traits
Mahenya, Obeid; Ndjamba, Johannes Kambinda; Mathisen, Karen Marie; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Intake rates by large herbivores are governed by among other things plant traits. We used Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi Matschie) as study animals, testing whether they as very large browsers would ... -
Hierarchical foraging by giraffe in a heterogeneous savannah, Tanzania
Mahenya, Obeid; Mathisen, Karen Marie; Andreassen, Harry Peter; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Understanding foraging decisions made by wildlife at different spatio-temporal scales is important for wildlife management and conservation. We tested whether forag- ing decisions by Masai giraffe ( Giraffa ... -
Influence of light availability and soil productivity on insect herbivory on bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) leaves following mammalian herbivory
Schrijvers-Gonlag, Marcel; Skarpe, Christina; Andreassen, Harry Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Vegetative parts of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) are important forage for many boreal forest mammal, bird and insect species. Plant palatability to insects is affected by concentration of nutrients and defense compounds ... -
Influence of soil, tree cover and large herbivores on field layer vegetation along a savanna landscape gradient in northern Botswana
Aarrestad, P.A.; Masunga, G.S.; Hytteborn, H.; Pitlagano, M.L.; Marokane, W.; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The response of the field layer vegetation to co-varying resource availability (soil nutrients, light) and resource loss (herbivory pressure) was investigated along a landscape gradient highly influenced by elephants and ... -
Lack of Cascading Effects of Eurasian Lynx Predation on Roe Deer to Soil and Plant Nutrients
Teurlings, Ivonne; Melis, Claudia; Skarpe, Christina; Linnell, John Durrus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study examines the extent to which above-ground trophic processes such as large carnivore predation on wild ungulates can cause cascading effects through the provision of carrion resources to below-ground ecosystem ... -
Long-term browsing impact around diversionary feeding stations for moose in Southern Norway
van Beest, Floris Michiel; Gundersen, Hege; Mathisen, Karen Marie; Milner, Jos M.; Skarpe, Christina (Conference object, 2010) -
Long-term effects of supplementary feeding of moose on browsing impact at a landscape scale
Mathisen, Karen Marie; Milner, Jos M.; van Beest, Floris M.; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Supplementary feeding of wildlife is a common management practice, increasingly used to reduce or divert herbivore impact from sensitive habitats, forestry or agriculture. The landscape-scale spatial distribution of ... -
Moose Alces alces habitat use at multiple temporal scales in a human-altered landscape
Bjørneraas, Kari; Solberg, Erling Johan; Herfindal, Ivar; Van Moorter, Bram; Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Tremblay, Jean-Pierre; Skarpe, Christina; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Eriksen, Rune; Astrup, Rasmus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011) -
Moose–tree interactions: rebrowsing is common across tree species
Mathisen, Karen Marie; Milner, Jocelyn Margarey; Skarpe, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Plant strategies to resist herbivory include tolerance and avoidance. Tolerance strategies, such as rapid regrowth which increases the palatability of new shoots, can lead to positive feedback loops between ...