• Affirmative critique and strange race-things: Experimenting with art-ing as analysis 

      Andersen, Camilla Eline (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The focus of this article is affirmative critique, its ontological grounding, and a record of an attempt to perform an affirmative critical analysis with documented strange race-things. It is inspired by the debate on ...
    • Critical methodologies: early childhood research studies in Norway 

      Rhedding-Jones, Jeanette; Bjelkerud, Agnes Westgaard; Giæver, Katrine; Røkholt, Eline Grelland; Holten, Ingeborg Caroline Sæbøe; Lafton, Tove; Moxnes, Anna Rigmor; Pope, Liv Alice (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This chapter exemplifies seven projects and their related research methodologies. It does so to consider how to construct critical research studies without replicating someone else’s research methodology and without setting ...
    • Portal-time and wanderlines: What does virusing-with make possible in childhood research? 

      Osgood, Jayne; Andersen, Camilla Eline; Otterstad, Ann Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper emerged from the forces of a pandemic that invited us to wrestle with what ‘virusing-with’ might potentiate in educational research-creation (Manning, 2016a). We sense the Coronavirus perform its agency on ...