Blar i Brage INN på emneord "teacher autonomy"
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Comparing teacher autonomy in different models of educational governance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article addresses teacher autonomy in different models of educational governance using quantitative data from the OECD TALIS 2018 and qualitative data from a study on teacher autonomy conducted in Norway and Brazil. ... -
Teacher autonomy and teacher agency in an accountability context: a comparative study in Norway and Brazil
(Ph.d.-avhandling i profesjonsrettede lærerutdanningsfag;22, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This study addresses teacher autonomy and teacher agency in public lower‐secondary schools in one Latin American country (Brazil) and one European country (Norway) that have different models of educational governance based ... -
Teacher autonomy and teacher agency: a comparative study in Brazilian and Norwegian lower secondary education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Teacher autonomy and teacher agency are positively related to teachers’ motivation and engagement in teaching. This paper combines the concepts of teacher autonomy and teacher agency to study how Brazilian and Norwegian ...