Browsing Brage INN by Author "Dickel, Lisa"
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Beiteatferd, habitatseleksjon og produktivitet hos storfe på utmarksbeite
Tofastrud, Morten; Zimmermann, Barbara; Devineau, Olivier; Hessle, Anna; Aletengqimuke, Sukebate; Dickel, Lisa; Hegnes, Hilde; Møllevold, Ole Henrik; Skoglund, Bjørn Holmen; Spedener, Mélanie (Skriftserien;35/2019, Research report, 2019)Politiske målsetninger om økt storfekjøttproduksjon i Innlandet gjør at storfebeiting i utmark er forventet å øke, og da særlig andelen av spesialiserte, internasjonale kjøttferaser. Storfe er avlet til å yte maksimalt på ... -
Characterisation of Habitat Requirements of European Fishing Spiders
Dickel, Lisa (Master thesis, 2019)Semi-aquatic fishing spiders (Dolomedes) are dependent on wetlands, which are among the most threatened habitats, impacted by climate change and land use. There are two species of fishing spiders, Dolomedes plantarius and ... -
Characterization of habitat requirements of European fishing spiders
Dickel, Lisa; Monsimet, Jeremy; Lafage, Denis; Devineau, Olivier (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Wetlands are among the most threatened habitats in the world, and so are their species, which suffer habitat loss due to climate and land use changes. Freshwater species, and especially arthropods, receive comparatively ...