Browsing Brage INN by Author "Græsli, Anne Randi"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Arterial oxygenation and acid–base status before and during oxygen supplementation in captive European bison (Bison bonasus) immobilized with etorphine-acepromazine-xylazine
Gardoni, Nino; Björck, Sven; Morelli, Jacopo; Evans, Alina; Barros, Daniela Sá Braz; Wiklund, Rikard; Græsli, Anne Randi; Thiel, Alexandra; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Lian, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Chemical immobilization of captive European bison (Bison bonasus) is often required for veterinary care, transportation, or husbandry practices playing an important role in conservation breeding and reintroduction of the ... -
Body temperature patterns during pregnancy and parturition in moose
Græsli, Anne Randi; Thiel, Alexandra; Fuchs, Boris; Stenbacka, Fredrik; Neumann, Wiebke; Singh, Navinder J.; Ericsson, Göran; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Evans, Alina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Gestation and lactation have high energetic requirements. Up to three-fourths of the gestation period in moose (Alces alces) overlaps with the food-scarce period in winter. During this period, moose deal with the limited ... -
The cost of research: Lasting effects of capture, surgery and muscle biopsy on brown bear (Ursus arctos) movement and physiology
Thiel, Alexandra; Hertel, Anne Gabriela; Giroud, Sylvain; Friebe, Andrea; Fuchs, Boris; Kindberg, Jonas; Græsli, Anne Randi; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Evans, Alina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Animal models are a key component of translational medicine, helping transfer scientific findings into practical applications for human health. A fundamental principle of research ethics involves weighing the benefits of ... -
Ecophysiology of moose Basic physiology and responses to stressors
Græsli, Anne Randi (PhD Thesis in Applied Ecology and Biotechnology;32, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Hvordan dyr responderer på menneskelig aktivitet og klimaforandringer, er nøkkelspørsmål i økologisk forskning. Utviklingen av biologgere og mulighetene til å kombinere forskjellige typer sensorer har gjort det mulig å ... -
Haematological and biochemical reference intervals for free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Sweden
Græsli, Anne Randi; Fahlman, Åsa; Evans, Alina L.; Bertelsen, Mads Frost; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Nielsen, Søren Saxmose (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: Establishment of haematological and biochemical reference intervals is important to assess health of animals on individual and population level. Reference intervals for 13 haematological and 34 biochemical ... -
Hibernation and plasma lipids in free-ranging brown bears-implications for diabetes
Tekin, Hasim; Frøbert, Ole; Græsli, Anne Randi; Kindberg, Jonas; Bilgin, Mesut; Buschard, Karsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Brown bears (Ursus arctos) prepare for winter by overeating and increasing adipose stores, before hibernating for up to six months without eating, drinking, and with minimal movement. In spring, the bears exit the den ... -
High concentrations of lead (Pb) in blood and milk of free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Scandinavia
Fuchs, Boris; Thiel, Alexandra; Zedrosser, Andreas; Brown, Ludovick; Hydeskov, Helle Bernstorf; Rodushkin, Ilia; Evans, Alina; Boesen, Amanda Høyer; Græsli, Anne Randi; Kindberg, Jonas; Arnemo, Jon Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Exposure to lead (Pb) is a global health problem for both humans and wildlife. Despite a dramatic decline in human Pb exposure following restrictions of leaded gasoline and industry and thereby an overall reduction of Pb ... -
High concentrations of lead (Pb) in blood and milk of free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Scandinavia
Fuchs, Boris; Thiel, Alexandra; Zedrosser, Andreas; Brown, Ludovick; Hydeskov, Helle Bernstorf; Rodushkin, Ilia; Evans, Alina; Boesen, Amanda Høyer; Græsli, Anne Randi; Kindberg, Jonas; Arnemo, Jon Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Exposure to lead (Pb) is a global health problem for both humans and wildlife. Despite a dramatic decline in human Pb exposure following restrictions of leaded gasoline and industry and thereby an overall reduction of Pb ... -
Physiological and behavioural responses of moose to hunting with dogs
Græsli, Anne Randi; Le Grand, Luc; Thiel, Alexandra; Fuchs, Boris; Devineau, Olivier; Stenbacka, Fredrik; Neumann, Wiebke; Ericsson, Göran; Singh, Navinder J.; Laske, Timothy G.; Beumer, Larissa Teresa; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Evans, Alina L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Optimal management of hunted species requires an understanding of the impacts of hunting on both individual animal and population levels. Recent technological advancements in biologging enable us to obtain increasingly ... -
Physiological sensors in moose and other wildlife
Arnemo, Jon M.; Thiel, Alexandra; Le Grand, Luc; Græsli, Anne Randi; Fuchs, Boris; Evans, Alina L.; Stenbacka, Fredrik; Neumann, Wiebke; Singh, Navinder J.; Ericsson, Göran (Skriftserien;21/2021, Research report, 2021)Et nøkkelspørsmål innen økologi er hvordan menneskelig aktivitet påvirker atferd og fysiologi hos viltlevende dyr. Utvikling av biologgere har muliggjort studier av ville dyr i deres naturlige miljø. Biologgere er sensorer ... -
Rate of cooling in a moose (Alces alces) carcass
Evans, Alina L.; Fuchs, Boris; Græsli, Anne Randi; Neumann, Wiebke; Stenbacka, Fredrik; Singh, Navinder J.; Ericsson, Göran; Malmsten, Jonas; Arnemo, Jon Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Seasonal Hypometabolism in Female Moose
Græsli, Anne Randi; Thiel, Alexandra; Fuchs, Boris; Singh, Navinder J.; Stenbacka, Fredrik; Ericsson, Göran; Neumann, Wiebke; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Evans, Alina L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)How animals respond to a changing environment is a key question in ecological research. Animals living at higher latitudes are exposed to pronounced seasonal differences in both climate and in resource availability. ... -
Seasonal variation in haematological and biochemical variables in free-ranging subadult brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Sweden
Græsli, Anne Randi; Evans, Alina L.; Fahlman, Åsa; Bertelsen, Mads Frost; Blanc, Stéphane; Arnemo, Jon Martin (Journal article, 2015)Background: Free-ranging brown bears exhibit highly contrasting physiological states throughout the year. They hibernate 6 months of the year, experiencing a decrease in body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and ... -
Thermal and behavioural responses of moose to chemical immobilisation from a helicopter
Græsli, Anne Randi; Thiel, Alexandra; Beumer, Larissa Teresa; Fuchs, Boris; Stenbacka, Fredrik; Neumann, Wiebke; Singh, Navinder; Ericsson, Göran; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Evans, Alina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Instrumentation and sample collection for wildlife research and management may require chemical immobilisation of animals, which may entail physiological and behavioural efects on them. It is therefore important to evaluate ... -
Vaginal temperature and collar activity variations in relation to fecal progestagens of captive moose
Høy-Petersen, Jennifer; Lemiere, Lucie; Thompson, Dan P.; Thiel, Alexandra; Crouse, John A.; Ropstad, Erik; Græsli, Anne Randi; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Evans, Alina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Timing of reproductive events can be crucial for a species’ population growth and stability. Accurate detection of reproductive phenology presents a challenge to scientists studying wild species, including moose ...