Browsing Brage INN by Author "Ordiz, Andres"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Competition between apex predators? Brown bears decrease wolf kill rate on two continents
Tallian, Aimee; Ordiz, Andres; Metz, Matthew C.; Milleret, Cyril; Wikenros, Camilla; Smith, Douglas W.; Stahler, Daniel R.; Kindberg, Jonas; MacNulty, Daniel R.; Wabakken, Petter; Swenson, Jon; Sand, Håkan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Trophic interactions are a fundamental topic in ecology, but we know little about how competition between apex predators affects predation, the mechanism driving top-down forcing in ecosystems.We used long-term datasets ... -
Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks
Sebastián-González, Esther; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Botella, Francisco; Naves-Alegre, Lara; Pérez-García, Juan M.; Mateo-Tomás, Patricia; Olea, Pedro P.; Moleón, Marcos; Barbosa, Jomar Magalhães; Hiraldo, Fernando; Arrondo, Eneko; Donázar, José A.; Cortés-Avizanda, Ainara; Selva, Nuria; Lambertucci, Sergio A.; Bhattacharjee, Aishwarya; Brewer, Alexis; Abernethy, Erin; Turner, Kelsey; Beasley, James C.; DeVault, Travis L.; Gerke, Hannah C.; Rhodes, Olin E.; Ordiz, Andres; Wikenros, Camilla; Zimmermann, Barbara; Wabakken, Petter; Wilmers, Christopher C.; Smith, Justine A.; Kendall, Corinne J.; Ogada, Darcy; Frehner, Ethan; Allen, Maximilian L.; Wittmer, Heiko U.; Butler, James R. A.; du Toit, Johan T.; Margalida, Antoni; Oliva-Vidal, Pilar; Wilson, David; Jerina, Klemen; Krofel, Miha; Kostecke, Rich; Inger, Richard; Per, Esra; Ayhan, Yunus; Sancı, Mehmet; Yılmazer, Ünsal; Inagaki, Akino; Koike, Shinsuke; Samson, Arockianathan; Perrig, Paula L.; Spencer, Emma E.; Newsome, Thomas M.; Heurich, Marco; Anadón, José D.; Buechley, Evan R.; Gutiérrez-Cánovas, Cayetano; Elbroch, L. Mark; Sánchez-Zapata, José A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Species assemblages often have a non-random nested organization, which in vertebrate scavenger (carrion-consuming) assemblages is thought to be driven by facilitation in competitive environments. However, not all scavenger ... -
Individual variation in predatory behavior, scavenging and seasonal prey availability as potential drivers of coexistence between wolves and bears
Ordiz, Andres; Milleret, Cyril Pierre; Uzal, Antonio; Zimmermann, Barbara; Wabakken, Petter; Wikenros, Camilla; Sand, Håkan; Swenson, Jon; Kindberg, Jonas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Several large carnivore populations are recovering former ranges, and it is important to understand interspecific interactions between overlapping species. In Scandinavia, recent research has reported that brown bear ... -
Movement and heart rate in the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos)
Blanchet, Leslie; Fuchs, Boris; Støen, Ole-Gunnar; Bergouignan, Audrey; Ordiz, Andres; Laske, Timothy G.; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Evans, Alina L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Understanding animal movement facilitates better management and conservation. The link between movement and physiology holds clues to the basic drivers of animal behaviours. In bears, heart rate increases with ... -
Network structure of vertebrate scavenger assemblages at the global scale: drivers and ecosystem functioning implications
Sebastián-González, Esther; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Botella, Francisco; Naves-Alegre, Lara; Pérez-García, Juan M.; Mateo-Tomás, Patricia; Olea, Pedro P.; Moleón, Marcos; Barbosa, Jomar M.; Hiraldo, Fernando; Arrondo, Eneko; Donázar, José Antonio; Cortés-Avizanda, Ainara; Selva, Nuria; Lambertucci, Sergio A.; Bhattacharjee, Aishwarya; Brewer, Alexis; Abernethy, Erin; Turner, Kelsey; Beasley, James C.; DeVault, Travis L.; Gerke, Hannah C.; Rhodes Jr, Olin E.; Ordiz, Andres; Wikenros, Camilla; Zimmermann, Barbara; Wabakken, Petter; Wilmers, Christopher C.; Smith, Justine A.; Kendall, Corinne J.; Ogada, Darcy; Frehner, Ethan; Allen, Maximilian L.; Wittmer, Heiko U.; Butler, James R.A.; du Toit, Johan T.; Margalida, Antoni; Oliva-Vidal, Pilar; Wilson, David; Jerina, Klemen; Krofel, Miha; Kostecke, Rich; Inger, Richard; Per, Esra; Ayhan, Yunus; Ulusoy, Hasan; Vural, Doğanay; Inagaki, Akino; Koike, Shinsuke; Samson, Arockianathan; Perrig, Paula L.; Spencer, Emma; Newsome, Thomas M.; Heurich, Marco; Anadón, José D.; Buechley, Evan R.; Sánchez-Zapata, José A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The organization of ecological assemblages has important implications for ecosystem functioning, but little is known about how scavenger communities organize at the global scale. Here, we test four hypotheses on the factors ... -
Of wolves and bears: Seasonal drivers of interference and exploitation competition between apex predators
Tallian, Aimee Grace; Ordiz, Andres; Metz, Matthew C.; Zimmermann, Barbara; Wikenros, Camilla; Smith, Douglas W.; Stahler, Daniel R.; Wabakken, Petter; Swenson, Jon; Sand, Håkan; Kindberg, Jonas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Competition between apex predators can alter the strength of top-down forcing, yet we know little about the behavioral mechanisms that drive competition in multipredator ecosystems. Interactions between predators can be ... -
Of wolves and bears: Seasonal drivers of interference and exploitation competition between apex predators
Tallian, Aimee Grace; Ordiz, Andres; Metz, Matthew C.; Zimmermann, Barbara; Wikenros, Camilla; Smith, Douglas W.; Stahler, Daniel R.; Wabakken, Petter; Swenson, Jon; Sand, Håkan; Kindberg, Jonas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Competition between apex predators can alter the strength of top-down forcing, yet we know little about the behavioral mechanisms that drive competition in multipredator ecosystems. Interactions between predators can be ... -
Physiological evidence for a human-induced landscape of fear in brown bears (Ursus arctos)
Støen, Ole Gunnar; Ordiz, Andres; Evans, Alina L.; Laske, Timothy G.; Kindberg, Jonas; Fröbert, Ole; Swenson, Jon E.; Arnemo, Jon Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Human persecution is a major cause of mortality for large carnivores. Consequently, large carnivores avoid humans, but may use human-dominated landscapes by being nocturnal and elusive. Behavioral studies indicate that ... -
A Standardized Method for Experimental Human Approach Trials on Wild Wolves
Eriksen, Ane; Versluijs, Erik; Fuchs, Boris; Zimmermann, Barbara; Wabakken, Petter; Ordiz, Andres; Sunde, Peter; Wikenros, Camilla; Sand, Håkan; Gillich, Benjamin; Michler, Frank; Nordli, Kristoffer; Sanchez, David Carricondo; Gorini, Lucrezia; Rieger, Siegfried (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As wolves recolonize areas of Europe ranging from moderate to high anthropogenic impact, fear of wolves is a recurring source of conflict. Shared tools for evaluating wolf responses to humans, and comparing such responses ... -
Testing the influence of habitat experienced during the natal phase on habitat selection later in life in Scandinavian wolves
Milleret, Cyril; Ordiz, Andres; Sanz Perez, Ana; Uzal, Antonio; Sanchez, David Carricondo; Eriksen, Ane; Sand, Håkan; Wabakken, Petter; Wikenros, Camilla; Åkesson, Mikael; Zimmermann, Barbara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Wolves at the door? Factors influencing the individual behavior of wolves in relation to anthropogenic features
Sanchez, David Carricondo; Zimmermann, Barbara; Wabakken, Petter; Eriksen, Ane; Milleret, Cyril Pierre; Ordiz, Andres; Sanz-Pérez, Ana; Wikenros, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The recovery of large carnivores in human-dominated landscapes comes with challenges. In general, large carnivores avoid humans and their activities, and human avoidance favors coexistence, but individual variation in large ... -
Wolves, people, and brown bears influence the expansion of the recolonizing wolf population in Scandinavia
Ordiz, Andres; Milleret, Cyril; Kindberg, Jonas; Månsson, Johan; Wabakken, Petter; Swenson, Jon E.; Sand, Håkan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Interspecific competition can influence the distribution and abundance of species and the structure of ecological communities and entire ecosystems. Interactions between apex predators can have cascading effects through ... -
Wolves, people, and brown bears influence the expansionof the recolonizing wolf population in Scandinavia
Ordiz, Andres; Milleret, Cyril; Kindberg, Jonas; Månsson, Johan; Wabakken, Petter; Swenson, Jon; Sand, Håkan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)