Blar i Brage INN på forfatter "Söderström, Kerstin"
The association between executive functioning and parental stress and psychological distress is mediated by parental reflective functioning in mothers with substance use disorder
Håkansson, UIrika; Watten, Reidulf G.; Söderström, Kerstin; Øie, Merete Glenne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Mothers with a substance use disorder (SUD) have been found to exhibit heightened experience of stress and deficits in executive functioning (EF) and in parental reflective functioning (PRF). Although experiences of stress, ... -
Barnevernets ansvar for det ufødte liv - en utredning om meldeplikt, fostervern og tiltak overfor gravide
Netland, Grethe; Stavrum, Lorentz; Söderström, Kerstin (Skriftserien;01/2021, Research report, 2021)I 2019 ga Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet Høgskolen i Innlandet i oppdrag å utrede spørsmål knyttet til barnevernets ansvar for det ufødte liv. Spørsmålene dreide seg om hva barnevernet og andre tjenester bør gjøre ... -
The effectiveness of virtual reality training on knowledge, skills and attitudes of health care professionals and students in assessing and treating mental health disorders: a systematic review
Steen, Cathrine W.; Söderström, Kerstin; Stensrud, Bjørn; Nylund, Inger Beate; Siqveland, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Virtual reality (VR) training can enhance health professionals' learning. However, there are ambiguous findings on the effectiveness of VR as an educational tool in mental health. We therefore reviewed the ... -
High levels of the openness trait are associated with better parental reflective functioning in mothers with substance use disorders
Øie, Merete Glenne; Aarnes, Ingebjørg Emilie; Eilertsen, Lise Horndalsveen; Söderström, Kerstin; Ystrøm, Eivind; Håkansson, UIrika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aims: Mothers with substance use disorders (SUD) often show impairments in parental reflective functioning (PRF), which may have adverse effects on their capacity for sensitive caregiving. Parenting personality is also ... -
”Jeg er ikke noe offer for mamma”. Mot en familiebasert praksis for barn og ungdom i dobbeltrollen som barn som pårørende og BUP-pasient
Kommisrud, Kristin; Söderström, Kerstin; Halsa, Astrid Dagmar; Halsaa, Lillan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i unge jenters erfaringer som pasient i psykisk helsevern, samtidig som de har en forelder med rus- eller psykisk lidelse. Fokuset er på deres selvnarrativer, og hvilken forståelse de har av ... -
Trauma in childhood and adolescence and impaired executive functions are associated with uncertain reflective functioning in mothers with substance use disorder
Kristiansen, Vidar Roald; Handeland, Tore Bergby; Lau, Bjørn; Söderström, Kerstin; Håkansson, UIrika; Øie, Merete Glenne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Aims: Impairments in reflective functioning are known to have adverse effects on the ability to display sensitive parenting as a caregiver. Several factors are associated with impairments in reflective functioning, such ... -
When giving up is not an option, out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls: Coping, meaning making, and adversarial growth among young adults with refugee backgrounds
Holthe, Mira Elise Glaser (PhD Dissertations in Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development (BUK);30, Doctoral thesis, 2023)The main focus in psychological research about refugees has been on trauma and psychopathology, and researchers and practitioners have called for more holistic and strength based approaches to post-trauma development (e.g., ...