Blar i Brage INN på forfatter "Skaar, Øystein Olav"
Alone or together: The role of gender and social context prior to Aha-experiences
Skaar, Øystein Olav; Reber, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Prior research indicates that boys show more interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) than girls do. Given that Aha-experiences yield positive affect and increase interest, the question arises ... -
Experiences of WNGER II Ph.D.Fellows During the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Case Study
Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Skaar, Øystein Olav; Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk; Solstad, Stein Helge; Høydal, Kjetil L (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Since January 2020 there have been over 97 million reported cases and 2 million deaths worldwide from COVID-19 and it is not over yet. In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic is a slow-motion disaster and an ‘external intervention’ ... -
Inclusion in the heat of the moment: Balancing participation and mastery
Øen, Kristian; Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Skaar, Øystein Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Individual and social explanatory models provide different frameworks for teachers’ practice. This study addresses how teachers’ understanding of inclusion and challenging behaviors affects their work with an inclusive ... -
Infodemi og pandemisk risikopersepsjon
Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Skaar, Øystein Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Subkulturer som finner fellesskap gjennom konspirasjonsteorier, kan forklare noe av den pågående vaksinemotstanden internasjonalt. For fremtidig kriseberedskap blir det viktig å kartlegge hvordan digitalt utenforskap spiller ... -
Motivation through insight: the phenomenological correlates of insight and spatial ability tasks
Skaar, Øystein Olav; Reber, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In an experiment (n = 430), grounded in an integrative fluency account of the phenomenology of the Aha-experience, we tested the assumption that problem solving through insight is distinct from other strategies of ...