Browsing Brage INN by Author "Snipstad, Øyvind Ibrahim Marøy"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Inclusive education: ‘making up’ the normal and deviant pupil
Snipstad, Øyvind Ibrahim Marøy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Inclusion entered the discourse of education in order to challenge the conceptions of the normal and the deviant pupil. A socially oriented inclusive discourse implies that schools should not focus their attention on certain ... -
Om empiriske nivåer i forskning på inkludering
Hausstätter, Rune; Snipstad, Øyvind Ibrahim Marøy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Dette er en drøftingsartikkel som reiser spørsmål ved legitimitetsgrunnlaget for empirisk forskning innen inkluderingsfeltet. Det empiriske feltet blir delt inn i to hovednivåer: makronivå og mikronivå. Empirisk forskning ... -
Ways to be a person: How schools contribute to ‘making up’ intellectually disabled pupils
Snipstad, Øyvind Ibrahim Marøy (PhD in Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development;, Doctoral thesis, 2019)How do ‘kinds’ of knowledge and practices existing within schools contribute to ‘making up’ intellectually disabled pupils in relation to perspectives on inclusion? This project departs from a micro-perspective on inclusion ...