Browsing Artikler, rapporter, filmer / Articles, reports, movies by Document Types "Others"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Andrespråksundervisning for voksne innvandrere - en bibliografi
(Others, 2018) -
Diameter distributions and height curves in even-aged stands of Pinus Sylvestris L.
(Meddelelser fra norsk institutt for skogforskning;36.15, Others; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1982)Norsk: Det er konstruert funksjoner for å bestemme diameterfordeling og høydekurve for bestand med kjente bestandsdata. Disse er grunnflatemiddelstammens diameter, bonitet, treantall pr. ha, grunnflateveid middelhøyde og ... -
Estimation of birch substand parameters in order to divide a stand into two diameter classes
(Meddelelser fra norsk institutt for skogforskning;38.8, Others; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1983)English: Functions are constructed to estimate stand parameters separately for birch trees with diameter greater than or less than 11 cm at breast height. The parameters are estimated when the parameters of the entire stand ... -
Improvement of elderly annual ring measure equipment with an APPLE II micro computer
(Others; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1984)English: With the APPLE II micro computer elderly ADDO annual ring measure desks have been improved, at a low cost, to a modern, reliable and easy operated system. Also, the APPLE itself is a stand-alone computer with ... -
Toxic and Essential Metals in Human Health and Disease 2021
(Others, 2022)