Browsing Ph.d.-avhandlinger i innovasjon i tjenesteyting i offentlig og privat sektor (INTOP) / PhD Dissertations in Innovation in Services in the Public and Private Sectors (INSEPP) by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-27 of 27
System Thinking in Serious Games
(PhD Thesis in Innovation in Services in the Public and Private Sectors;29, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Many game designers and academics have pointed out that games are systems (Gee, 2007; Salen & Zimmerman, 2004). So, what would be more natural than using System Science or System Thinking to understand and develop them? ... -
Samarbeidsdrevet innovasjon er løsningen – hva er problemet? – en utforskende studie av et forsøk på samarbeidsdrevet innovasjon i møtet mellom en kommune og sosiale entreprenører
(Ph.d.-avhandling i innovasjon i tjenesteyting i offentlig og privat sektor (INTOP);28, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Behovet for innovasjon i offentlig tjenesteyting er et dagsaktuelt tema. De økonomiske rammene blir strammere, og analyser viser at dagens offentlige velferdsproduksjon ikke vil være bærekraftig over tid. Samarbeid på tvers ... -
Den kompetente endringsagent: Innovasjon i distribuerte organisasjoner
(Ph.d.-avhandling i innovasjon i tjenesteyting i offentlig og privat sektor (INTOP);26, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Formålet med avhandlingen er å bidra med kunnskap om hvordan endringsagenter bistår med læring og kunnskapsflyt i innovasjonsprosesser i distribuerte organisasjoner. Distribuerte organisasjoner er geografisk spredt, og ... -
Take a chance on me: Cultural crowdfunding as a necessary, complementary, or substitutive business model in the Nordic countries and in Spain
(PhD Dissertation in Innovation in Services in the Public and Private Sectors (INSEPP);25, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Over the last 15 years, online crowdfunding has emerged as a decentralised, alternative micropatronage platform for raising capital for projects and businesses with for-profit and nonprofit goals. Concurrently, a growing ... -
Beyond the resource curse: political and economic dynamics in the institutionalisation of the Norwegian Oil Fund
(PhD thesis in Innovation in Services – Public and Private (INSEPP);31, Doctoral thesis, 2024-08)The literature on natural resource dependence generally concludes that social and economic development following a resource boom relies heavily on governmental economic policy. However, little attention has been directed ... -
Diversion and fairness perception in innovative pricing models. Empirical evidence from the alpine skiing industry
(PhD thesis in Innovation in Services – Public and Private (INSEPP);32, Doctoral thesis, 2024-10)Globalization and increasing competition have forced businesses to introduce new and innovative pricing tactics. Variable pricing, often referred to as price differentiation, is an example of such innovative tactics. This ... -
Team Learning and Service Innovation - a Mixed Methods Study of Professional Service Firms
(PhD thesis in Innovation in Services – Public and Private (INSEPP);33, Doctoral thesis, 2024-11)Profesjonelle tjenesteytende virksomheter er blant de raskest voksende bransjene i den globale økonomien, men empirisk forskning i denne sammenhengen er begrenset. For å overleve i et volatilt og konkurransepreget miljø ...