Browsing Brage INN by Author "Høye, Sevald"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
A Healthy Person: The Perceptions of Indonesian and Scandinavian Nursing Students
Høye, Sevald; Kvigne, Kari; Aiyub, Ilyas; Gillund, Margrethe Valen; Hermansyah, Hasan; Nordström, Gun; Rystedt, Ingrid; Suwarni, Abubakar; Trollvik, Anne; Larsson, Bodil Wilde; Hov, Reidun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate how nursing students in Indonesia and Scandinavia characterize a healthy person. Two hundred thirty-two nursing students from Indonesia, 50 students from Sweden, and ... -
Aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life: A qualitative study of adult students’ experiences of a blended learning master programme in Norway
Gjestvang, Bodil; Høye, Sevald; Bronken, Berit Arnesveen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aim: To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process. Methods: A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study based on ... -
Communication in mental health nursing - Bachelor Students' appraisal of a blended learning training programme - An exploratory study
Furnes, Merete; Kvaal, Kari; Høye, Sevald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background It is important that mental health nursing students at Bachelor level obtain effective communication skills. Many students dread the fact that in the mental health field they will encounter patients and relatives ... -
Creating room for evidence-based practice: Leader behavior in hospital wards
Renolen, Åste; Hjaelmhult, Esther; Høye, Sevald; Danbolt, Lars Johan; Kirkevold, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Abstract The integration (routinizing and sustaining) of evidence-based practice (EBP) into hospital management is a key element for improving patient safety and ensuring better patient outcomes. Hospital managers and ... -
Encounters between multicultural family members and the nurses in the context of intensive care
Høye, Sevald; Kvigne, Kari; Åström, Sture; Severinsson, Elisabeth; Öster, Inger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The increase in people on the move creates populations that are culturally diverse. People meet various challenges regarding the migration process, social life, jobs and health issues. When a person suffers from acute and ... -
Evidence‐based practice integration in hospital wards—The complexities and challenges in achieving evidence‐based practice in clinical nursing
Renolen, Åste; Hjaelmhult, Esther; Høye, Sevald; Danbolt, Lars Johan; Kirkevold, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Abstract: Aim: Exploring the processes involved in two different strategies to integrate evidence‐based practice into nursing practice. Design: Classical grounded theory methodology was used. Methods: Data were collected ... -
Evidence‐based practice integration in hospital wards—The complexities and challenges in achieving evidence‐based practice in clinical nursing
Renolen, Åste; Hjaelmhult, Esther; Høye, Sevald; Danbolt, Lars Johan; Kirkevold, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Abstract: Aim: Exploring the processes involved in two different strategies to integrate evidence‐based practice into nursing practice. Design: Classical grounded theory methodology was used. Methods: Data were collected ... -
Family caregivers experiences of provided home care to persons with Parkinson's disease
Leiknes, Ingrid; Høye, Sevald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Engelsk sammendrag (abstract): Family caregivers constitute an important part of the day-to-day service for persons with Parkinson’s disease. As the disease progresses, the need for municipal home care assistance will ... -
Health-related quality of life in young Syrian refugees recently resettled in Norway
Dangmann, Cecilie Ruud; Solberg, Øivind; Steffenak, Anne Kjersti Myhrene; Høye, Sevald; Andersen, Per Normann (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aims: Millions have fled from the civil unrest in Syria, and half of these are children and youth. Although they are a population with an elevated risk of health problems due to adverse pre-migratory and post-migratory ... -
Hvordan lærer sykepleierstudenter med lave opptakskarakterer anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi (AFB)?
Skavern, Hege Jansen; Høye, Sevald; Ødbehr, Liv Skomakerstuen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Det er en sammenheng mellom bachelorstudentenes karakterpoeng fra videregående skole og resultater til eksamen i anatomi, fysiologi, biokjemi (AFB). Enkelte studenter med lavere opptakskarakterer enn landsgjennomsnittet ... -
Intensive care nurses’ encounters with multicultural families in Norway: An exploratory study
Høye, Sevald; Severinsson, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The aim of this study was to explore nurses’ perceptions of their encounters with multicultural families in intensive care units in Norwegian hospitals. Immigrants from non-Western countries make up 6.1% of the population ... -
“Keeping on track” − Hospital nurses’ struggles with maintaining workflow while seeking to integrate evidence-based practice into their daily work: A grounded theory study
Renolen, Åste; Høye, Sevald; Hjaelmhult, Esther; Danbolt, Lars Johan; Kirkevold, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Evidence-based practice is considered a foundation for the provision of quality care and one way to integrate scientific knowledge into clinical problem-solving. Despite the extensive amount of research that has ... -
Mappevurdering som studie- og eksamensform. Utprøving ved grunnutdanning i sykepleie og videreutdanning i psykisk helsearbeid
Høye, Sevald; Moldjord, Wenke; Raudkleiv, Ingeir (Notat;07/2003, Working paper, 2003)Evalueringsstudien bygger på utprøving av mappevurdering som studiestrategi og eksamensform for et kull ved grunnutdanning i sykepleie og en klasse ved videreutdanning i psykisk helsearbeid høsten 2002. Studien søker ... -
Multicultural family members’ experiences with nurses and the intensive care context: A hermeneutic study
Høye, Sevald; Severinsson, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Background: The aim of this study was to illuminate the experiences of multicultural family members in intensive care units in hospitals, when a loved one was critically ill. An increasing migration from non-Western ... -
Overvekt hos gravide: en utfordring i svangerskapsomsorgen
Moldjord, Wenke; Høye, Sevald; Kvigne, Kari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about the challenges midwives and public nurses are experiencing in health prevention and health promotion to obese pregnant women, and their reflections regarding the need ... -
Patients' perceptions of palliative care quality in hospice inpatient care, hospice day care, palliative units in nursing homes and home care: a cross-sectional study
Sandsdalen, Tuva; Grøndahl, Vigdis Abrahamsen; Hov, Reidun; Høye, Sevald; Rystedt, Ingrid; Larsson, Bodil Wilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Patients’ perceptions of care quality within and across settings are important for the further development of palliative care. The aim was to investigate patients’ perceptions of palliative care quality within ... -
Patients’ perceptions of palliative care: adaptation of the Quality from the Patient’s Perspective instrument for use in palliative care, and description of patients’ perceptions of care received
Sandsdalen, Tuva; Rystedt, Ingrid; Grøndahl, Vigdis Abrahamsen; Hov, Reidun; Høye, Sevald; Larsson, Bodil Wilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Background: Instruments specific to palliative care tend to measure care quality from relative perspectives or have insufficient theoretical foundation. The instrument Quality from the Patient’s Perspective (QPP) is based ... -
Pårørendes status. Semantisk analyse og juridisk tolkning av begrepet pårørende i et sykepleieperspektiv
Høye, Sevald (2;2003, Research report, 2003)Hensikten med studien er å klarlegge begrepet pårørende, få økt forståelse for begrepet i en sykepleiesammenheng og undersøke hvilken status pårørende kan ha i sykepleieutøvelse. Studien har et deskriptivt design. Beg ... -
«Sammen blir vi gode». Kompetansebygging for å forebygge VAP (Ventilator assosierte pneumoni)
Mytting, Tuva Sandsdalen; Espelund, Åse; Mæhlum, Else Hagen; Høye, Sevald (Rapport;17/2011, Research report, 2011)Norsk: Bakgrunn: Ventilator assosiert pneumoni (VAP), forårsaker flere dødsfall enn noen annen sykehusassosiert infeksjon, gir økt antall liggedøgn og medfører høye kostnader. Mellom 10–20 % av pasienter som er intubert ... -
Syrian refugee youth resettled in Norway: mechanisms of resilience influencing health-related quality of life and mental distress
Dangmann, Cecilie Ruud; Solberg, Øivind; Steffenak, Anne Kjersti Myhrene; Høye, Sevald; Andersen, Per Normann (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: The importance of resilience factors in the positive adaptation of refugee youth is widely recognised. However, their actual mechanism of impact remains under-researched. The aim of this study was therefore to ...