Master i anvendt økologi / Master of applied ecology MAOK
Studiet tar for seg effektene av menneskelige inngrep i naturen; tiltakene vi kan iverksette for å redusere eventuelle negative effekter av menneskelige inngrep; bærekraftig bruk av ressursene som følge av korrekt iverksatte tiltak og naturovervåkingen i form av bestands- og habitatovervåking for å forsikre oss om at bruken av naturressursene er bærekraftig.
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Recent Submissions
Wolf use of areas planned for wind power development in Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2022)The global energy demand is increasing, and the world is shifting towards using more renewable energy. As a result, onshore wind power development is increasing, though little is known about effects of wind power development ... -
Testing spatial overlap between humans and wild reindeer in summertime by using location-specific data
(Master thesis, 2022)Fragmentering og tap av habitat grunnet menneskelig aktivitet er et verdensomfattende problem. Menneskelig vekst øker mer og mer, noe som har ført til et større antall interaksjoner mellom folk og dyr. Dette påvirker ... -
Spatial and temporal movement patterns of wolverine (Gulo gulo) females during the denning period in the boreal coniferous forest
(Master thesis, 2022)Kunnskap om hvordan individer beveger seg i tid og rom i ulike årstider er viktig fordi det påvirker både bestandsstrukturen og hvordan individene er fordelt i landskapet. Reproduksjon kan påvirke individers romlige og ... -
Monitoring reproduction in moose by use of unmanned aircraft system: - detectability, effectivity and behavioral responses
(Master thesis, 2022)Å forbedre metoder for blant annet tetthet- og reproduksjons studier er en del av forvaltningen og forskningens ansvar. Å utvikle og teste ny teknologi som kan forstyrre dyrene i mindre grad, men også være mer effektiv I ... -
Fantastic beavers (Castor fiber) and where to find them Using availability of suitable habitat to estimate beaver populations sizes
(Master thesis, 2022)The Eurasian beaver was significantly over harvested for its pelt and for what is called castoreum, and global population was estimated to be 1200 individuals. Today, the Eurasian beaver population is estimated to be ... -
Micronized tire rubber contamination load in the three-spined sticklebackck (Gasterosteus aculeatus) intestine in the Lake Engervann, brackish water lagoon.
(Master thesis, 2022)Abstract Microplastics particles such as micronized tire rubber are present widely in the aquatic ecosystem and possess great threat to wide range of aquatic organisms. Many aquatic creatures swallow microplastics because ... -
Forest stand structure, recruitment, regeneration and growth of European yew (Taxus baccata L.) under moderate and high browsing pressure from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
(Master thesis, 2022)Norway included English yew in the Norwegian Red List as this species is threatened and is protected by Norwegian law. Thus, the aim of my study was to reveal the underlying factors for yew regeneration and recruitment in ... -
Modelling Current and Future Distribution of Triturus cristatus and Lissotriton vulgaris using Maximum Entropy Approach in Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Species distribution models deal with the occurrence or abundance of a species along with the environmental factors at a location to predict the present and future distribution of the species. Based on the occurrence records ... -
Fecal bacterial composition in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in areas with- and without wild growing European yew (Taxus baccata), in south-eastern Norway.
(Master thesis, 2023)Europeisk barlind er et bartre som har utviklet et potent kjemisk forsvar og det har blitt rapportert om flere tilfeller av barlind forgiftning i husdyr og frittlevende drøvtyggere. Selv om Barlind er ekstremt gifitg så ... -
Cytotoxicity of European yew (Taxus baccata) trees on human lung and breast cancer cell lines and its relation to tree properties and browsing pressure by Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
(Master thesis, 2022)Abstract 1. The toxin compounds of yew are known to have anti-cancer properties and their production and harvest for the treatment of cancer is the emerging interest of recent studies. With the growing demand and limited ... -
Impact of Canopy Openness on Forest Regeneration and Forest Soil Nutrients
(Master thesis, 2024)A study was conducted in three categories of crown cover of trees: 10–40, 40–70, and 70–100 % in six community forests (CFs) located in the Chure region of Makawanpur district, Nepal. The study focused on the impact of ... -
Testing assumptions of line transect distance sampling using pointing dogs on Rock ptarmigan Lagopus muta
(Master thesis, 2024)The monitoring used in management of the northern European rock ptarmigan population today is manly based on hunting statistics and index counts at spring. Line transect distance sampling using pointing dogs have been ... -
Factors influencing distribution and activity patterns of common leopards (Panthera pardus) in Parsa National Park, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2024)The common leopard is a highly adaptable habitat generalist with one of the largest species distributions in the world. With their varied diet and ability to thrive even in urban environments, this species is often involved ... -
Practices and motivations of Norwegian large carnivore hunters
(Master thesis, 2024)Conflicts between humans and large carnivores in Norway are high. Norway has developed an elaborate management framework to balance competing interests. This involves intensive use of lethal management of carnivores, mainly ... -
A Wolf's Way of Water: Wolf space use in relation to waterbodies
(Master thesis, 2024)Terrestrial mammals are in many ways connected to waterbodies, although studies on habitat selection within anthropogenic landscapes often overlook the importance of water. The recolonization of grey wolves (Canis lupus ... -
Scavenger community on wolf-killed ungulates in the boreal forest in south-east Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Åtselspising er en av flere fôringsstrategier for å utnytte matressurser, og en viktig økologisk prosess i nedbrytingen. Bruk av åter er vanlig i perioder med miljøstress, for eksempel ved mangel på byttedyrarter, og som ... -
Earlybird Shifts: Changes in Autumn Movement Patterns of GPS-tagged Rock Ptarmigans (Lagopus muta)
(Master thesis, 2023)Alpine- og arktiske økosystemer trekker seg tilbake på grunn av klimaendringer, sammen med økosystemene de består av. Fjellryper (Lagopus muta) er en art som opplever slike hendelser. I Fennoskandia begrenser fjellrypa seg ... -
Does aquatic aluminium and acidified water affect respiration in the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis?
(Master thesis, 2023)In this study, the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis has been exposed to three different media to investigate the effect of aqueous aluminium (Al) on mortality and respiration. The media in question are acidic Al-rich (pH ... -
Wolf Dens in Scandinavia at a closer look: Characteristics and small-scale habitat selection
(Master thesis, 2024)Wolves (Canis lupus) are born in an altricial state and require extensive care in the early stages of life as they are born blind, naked, and unable to hide. In their first weeks they stay around the den, and as such, the ... -
Tree regeneration dynamics in Norwegian forests
(Master thesis, 2022)Tree regeneration is essential for res-establishing and extending our valuable early and existing woodland in the forest. Tree regeneration increases biodiversity, provide habitat, shelter and conserve genetic stock. ...