Master i anvendt økologi / Master of applied ecology MAOK
Studiet tar for seg effektene av menneskelige inngrep i naturen; tiltakene vi kan iverksette for å redusere eventuelle negative effekter av menneskelige inngrep; bærekraftig bruk av ressursene som følge av korrekt iverksatte tiltak og naturovervåkingen i form av bestands- og habitatovervåking for å forsikre oss om at bruken av naturressursene er bærekraftig.
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Recent Submissions
Out Standing in Their Field: Factors Influencing Cattle Habitat Selection in Norwegian Outfields
(Master thesis, 2023)Releasing cattle (Bos taurus) to graze in outfields during the summer months has been a traditional practice in Norway for centuries. While outfields provide a low-cost and efficient method of feeding the cattle in summer, ... -
Effect of altitude on woody vegetation along slopes of a volcanic, tropical mountain
(Master thesis, 2017)This study was initiated to investigate the effects of altitude on woody vegetation on the eastern slopes of Mount Meru, Tanzania. Changes in vegetation along altitudinal gradients are related to climate factors, soil ... -
The effect of aqueous aluminium on mortality and respiration of the isopoda Asellus aquaticus
(Master thesis, 2022)The present study investigates the effect of aqueous aluminium (Al) and acidic water on mortality and respiration in the isopoda Asellus aquaticus. I conducted one mortality experiment lasting 22 days exposing A. aquaticus ... -
Do Eurasian Eagle Owl chicks (Bubo bubo) set their clocks to an arctic schedule?
(Master thesis, 2022)Organisms survive the earth’s challenging environments by capitalising on predictable changes in biotic and abiotic conditions, thereby establishing circadian rhythms. These rhythms can be synchronised to different cues ... -
Tree regeneration dynamics in Norwegian forests
(Master thesis, 2022)Tree regeneration is essential for res-establishing and extending our valuable early and existing woodland in the forest. Tree regeneration increases biodiversity, provide habitat, shelter and conserve genetic stock. ... -
Wolf use of areas planned for wind power development in Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2022)The global energy demand is increasing, and the world is shifting towards using more renewable energy. As a result, onshore wind power development is increasing, though little is known about effects of wind power development ... -
(Master thesis, 2022)Although fire has long been an Essent foremost of the forest ecosystem and has a significant impact on the flora and fauna, it is also widely believed to be one of the main causes of biodiversity loss and environmental ... -
Island biogeography along Norway’s west coast – an explorative citizen science approach
(Master thesis, 2022)The theory of island biogeography is among the most recognized principles in the science of ecology. It states that the further away from the mainland, and the smaller an island is, the fewer species are present. Despite ... -
Are bumblebees limited by floral resource availability due to cattle grazing in boral forest pastures? : The effects of seasonality and cattle grazing on bumblebees in boral forest pastures
(Master thesis, 2022)Boreal forests provides a wide range of ecosystem services and goods that serve the Norwegian community. For centuries humans have utilized this resource in commercial sectors through timber production and traditional ... -
Spatial and temporal movement patterns of wolverine (Gulo gulo) females during the denning period in the boreal coniferous forest
(Master thesis, 2022)Kunnskap om hvordan individer beveger seg i tid og rom i ulike årstider er viktig fordi det påvirker både bestandsstrukturen og hvordan individene er fordelt i landskapet. Reproduksjon kan påvirke individers romlige og ... -
Guardian of the Forest: Do trophic cascade effects of Sunda Clouded Leopards (Neofelis diardi) impact Sabah’s carnivore community and native pheasant species?
(Master thesis, 2022)When apex predators disappear from an ecosystem it can have dramatic consequences including the increase in smaller bodied carnivores whose rise can subsequently impact various prey species, this result better known as ... -
Quantification of food waste disposal in developed and developing countries: A Meta-Analysis
(Master thesis, 2022)Matsvinn er et aktuelt problem, der avfall genereres gjennom alle ledd i verdikjeden, og dette skjer i så vel utviklede som utviklingsland. Økende bekymring for matsikkerhet og miljøpåvirkninger tilskrevet matsvinn på grunn ... -
(Master thesis, 2022)Underkulturer og fangvekster er vekster som kan dyrkes sammen med korn for å gi økologiske fordeler og øke diversiteten. Med mål om å undersøke effekten av forskjellige underkulturer, ble et det i løpet av mai til september ... -
Diverging national methods used to survey moose browsing damage in Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2022)Viltforvaltning begrenses ofte av administrative grenser istedenfor å forholde seg til hele leveområdet til viltpopulasjoner. Populasjoners leveområder og individuelle hjemmeområder krysser ofte de administrative grensene, ... -
Testing spatial overlap between humans and wild reindeer in summertime by using location-specific data
(Master thesis, 2022)Fragmentering og tap av habitat grunnet menneskelig aktivitet er et verdensomfattende problem. Menneskelig vekst øker mer og mer, noe som har ført til et større antall interaksjoner mellom folk og dyr. Dette påvirker ... -
Impact of climate change on agricultural production in Chitwan district, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2022)Forskningen bak denne masteravhandlingen ble gjennomført i Chitwan-distriktet i Nepal og hadde som mål å undersøke effekten av klimaendringer på landbruket der. Klimaendringer har påvirket landbruket over hele verden. ... -
Influence of vole cycles and other environmental factors on pine marten (Martes martes) population dynamics and abundance in southeastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)The pine marten in Norway lives at the northern edge of their distribution area. At this latitude, regular fluctuations in vole population sizes are common, where the amplitudes get more pronounced with increasing latitude. ... -
Long term development of soil organic carbon influenced by different agricultural practices
(Master thesis, 2022)Studien analyserer de langsiktige trendene i nedbrytning og oppbygging av karbon i jordbruksland. Her utforskes hvordan ulike dyrkningspraksiser påvirker resultatet med fokus på bruk av fangvekster, ulike jordbearbeidingssystem ... -
Evaluating potential drivers of four different types of moose browsing damage in a cross-border context
(Master thesis, 2022)Moose (Alces alces) in Scandinavia rely on commercially valuable Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) as a winter food source. Browsing impacts to forest resources are labeled as “damage” and have become especially important along ... -
Using ecological niche modelling to prioritise areas for conservation of the critically endangered Buffy Headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps).
(Master thesis, 2022)Endemic to the Atlantic Forest in South-eastern Brazil, the Buffy-Headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps) has the smallest geographical range of all South American primates. Considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red ...