Hunting moose or keeping sheep? - Producing meat in areas with carnivores
Original version
Milner, J.M., Nilsen, E.B., Wabakken, P. & Storaas, T. (2005). Hunting moose or keeping sheep? - Producing meat in areas with carnivores. Alces, 41, 49-61Abstract
Moose hunting is of considerable economic and social importance in much of Scandinavia. In some parts, such as south-east Norway, it is economically more important than sheep farming. We examine trends in moose harvesting and sheep production over a 12-year period in an area of increasing predator numbers and compare the meat yield before and after the re-establishment of wolves. The production of lamb meat at the county level declined, particularly from within the forest habitat, while the moose harvest showed only localized reductions. We also consider the scale of the economic loss
caused by large carnivores and discuss management options for a future with carnivores.
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