Comparison of anxiety symptoms in spouses of persons suffering from dementia, geriatric in-patients and healthy older persons
Original version
Kvaal, K., Engedal, K. & Ulstein, I. (2013). Comparison of anxiety symptoms in spouses of persons suffering from dementia, geriatric in-patients and healthy older persons. Vård i Norden 33(4), 4-8.Abstract
Objective:To describe and compare anxiety symptoms in spouses of persons suffering from dementia, geriatric in-patients and healthy controls,
and to study possible risk factors associated with anxiety in these groups of older people.
Method: The participants were 70 years and above: 1) 76 spouses of persons with dementia recruited from a memory clinic, 2) 98 in-patients
without dementia but suffering from one or more chronic diseases, who were admitted to a geriatric department of an acute hospital, and
3) 68 healthy elderly people recruited from day-centres. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-X-1, 12-item) was used to tap anxiety
Results: Spouses of persons suffering from dementia expressed the same degree of anxiety symptoms as geriatric patients, and anxiety in these
two groups differed significantly from the healthy elderly persons. In an adjusted linear regression analysis, anxiety, expressed as a high score
on STAI-X-1, was associated with female gender (ß 0.16, p=0.01); being a spousal carer (ß 0.49, p <0.001) and being a geriatric patient
(ß 0.57, p<0.001).
Conclusion: Spouses of persons suffering from dementia reported as much anxiety symptoms as geriatric in-patients and both groups reported
significantly more symptoms of anxiety than healthy older persons without caring obligations. The mental health nurses should include
assessment of carers’ anxiety as routine.
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