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dc.contributor.authorPenteriani, Vincenzo
dc.contributor.authorDelgado, Maria del Mar
dc.contributor.authorPinchera, Francesco
dc.contributor.authorNaves, Javier
dc.contributor.authorFernandez-Gil, Alberto
dc.contributor.authorKojola, Ilpo
dc.contributor.authorHärkönen, Sauli
dc.contributor.authorNorberg, Harri
dc.contributor.authorFrank, Jens
dc.contributor.authorFedriani, Jose Maria
dc.contributor.authorSahlen, Veronica
dc.contributor.authorStøen, Ole Gunnar
dc.contributor.authorSwenson, Jon E.
dc.contributor.authorWabakken, Petter
dc.contributor.authorPellegrini, Mario
dc.contributor.authorHerrero, Stephen
dc.contributor.authorLopez-Bao, Jose Vincente
dc.identifier.citationPenteriani, V., del Mar Delgado, M., Pinchera, F., Naves, J., Fernández-Gil, A., Kojola, I., . . . López-Bao, J. V. (2016). Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries. Scientific Reports, 6. doi: 10.1038/srep20552nb_NO
dc.description.abstractThe media and scientific literature are increasingly reporting an escalation of large carnivore attacks on humans in North America and Europe. Although rare compared to human fatalities by other wildlife, the media often overplay large carnivore attacks on humans, causing increased fear and negative attitudes towards coexisting with and conserving these species. Although large carnivore populations are generally increasing in developed countries, increased numbers are not solely responsible for the observed rise in the number of attacks by large carnivores. Here we show that an increasing number of people are involved in outdoor activities and, when doing so, some people engage in risk-enhancing behaviour that can increase the probability of a risky encounter and a potential attack. About half of the well-documented reported attacks have involved risk-enhancing human behaviours, the most common of which is leaving children unattended. Our study provides unique insight into the causes, and as a result the prevention, of large carnivore attacks on people. Prevention and information that can encourage appropriate human behaviour when sharing the landscape with large carnivores are of paramount importance to reduce both potentially fatal human-carnivore encounters and their consequences to large carnivores.nb_NO
dc.titleHuman behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countriesnb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.typePeer reviewednb_NO
dc.source.journalScientific reportsnb_NO

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