From individuals to population cycles: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in rodent populations
Original version
Radchuk, V., Ims, R. A., & Andreassen, H. P. (2016). From individuals to population cycles: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in rodent populations. Ecology, 97(3), 720-732. doi:10.1890/15-0756.1 10.1890/15-0756.1Abstract
Rodent population cycles have fascinated scientists for a long time. Among
various hypotheses, an interaction of an extrinsic factor (predation) with intrinsic factors
(e.g., sociality and dispersal) was suggested to lead to the generation of population cycles.
Here, we tested this hypothesis with an individual-based
model fully parameterized with
an exceptionally rich empirical database on vole life histories. We employed a full factorial
design that included models with the following factors: predation only, predation and
sociality, predation and dispersal, and predation and both sociality and dispersal. A comprehensive
set of metrics was used to compare results of these four models with the long-term
population dynamics of natural vole populations. Only the full model, which included
both intrinsic factors and predation, yielded cycle periods, amplitudes, and autumn population
sizes closest to those observed in nature. Our approach allows to model, as emergent
properties of individual life histories, the sort of nonlinear density-and
that is expected to destabilize population dynamics. We suggest that the individual-based
approach is useful for addressing the effects of other mechanisms on rodent populations
that operate at finer temporal and spatial scales than have been explored with models
so far.