Visual ‘Bildung’ between Iconoclasm and Idolatry
Original version
The point of departure for this article is ‘the visual turn’, the proclaimed need for specific
competencies, and furthermore the lack of clarity in the concepts and the lack of research
that accompany the use of images. Terms like ‘visual literacy’ and “visual competence’ are
compared with a concept of visual ‘Bildung’. ‘Bildung’ is presented as a concept that clearly
goes beyond qualifications and a dominant market-oriented comprehension of competence.
In its origin, ‘Bildung’ has obvious references to ‘image’, and it may also offer interesting
new perspectives in the battle between words and images that has taken place throughout
history and is a background to today’s situation. ‘Bildung’ opens up an interesting path
between iconoclasm and idolatry. The article proclaims an urgent need for a visual and
reflective ‘Bildung’, because images are closely related to the world in which we live today