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dc.contributor.authorAndersen, Oddgeir
dc.contributor.authorKaltenborn, Bjørn Petter
dc.contributor.authorVittersø, Joar
dc.contributor.authorWillebrand, Tomas
dc.identifier.citationAndersen, O., Kaltenborn, B. P., Vittersø, J., & Willebrand, T. (2014). Preferred harvest principles and - regulations amongst willow ptarmigan hunters in Norway. [Vitenskapelig artikkel]. Wildlife Biology, 20(5), 285-290. doi:10.2981/wlb.00048nb_NO
dc.description.abstractHunters ’ preferences for diff erent harvest principles and harvest regulations such as season length and harvest quotas provide important knowledge for wildlife management. We report results from a survey of 2788 willow ptarmigan hunters regarding commonly used harvest-principles and -regulations. A harvest quota strategy was the most preferred principle. Hunters were in general more positive to an annual bag, than daily quotas. Age was a particularly strong predictor of the ‘ no winter hunt ’ (after 23 December) regulation, and also a fairly strong predictor for the per annum and per day quota strategies respectively. Th is study has shown that ptarmigan hunters prefer annual quotas, rather than shortened hunting season or reduced number of hunters. We also emphasize the importance of social – ecological systems thinking when adaptive management strategies are developed and that management strategy evaluation models should be used to evaluate these strategies.nb_NO
dc.publisherWildlife Biologynb_NO
dc.titlePreferred harvest principles and - regulations amongst willow ptarmigan hunters in Norwaynb_NO
dc.typeJournal articlenb_NO
dc.typePeer reviewednb_NO
dc.source.journalWildlife Biologynb_NO

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