ODESZA – en stiletterligning
Bachelor thesis
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Denne praktiske bacheloroppgaven går ut på å produsere en låt i samme stil som ODESZA. Ved å analysere ODESZA sin remix av Slow Magic sin låt «Waited 4 U» skal vi finne ut hvilke elementer, instrumenter og/eller effekter som utgjør lydbildet, altså stilen til ODESZA. Deretter skal vi bruke analysen som et verktøy til å få vår produksjon til å låte som om det kunne vært en av produksjonene til ODESZA. På den måten kan vi lære hvordan man ved hjelp av eget gehør, kunnskap om produksjon og teori kan komme frem til noenlunde de samme lydene som ODESZA benytter seg av i sine produksjoner.
Vi har valgt å bruke teori om sjangeren og om hvordan elektronisk musikk produseres i dag som grunnlag for oppgaven. Teorien og analysen vi har foretatt danner også grunnlaget for valgene vi har tatt i vår produksjon.
Oppgaven resulterte i en vedlagt produksjon brent på CD. Vi har drøftet våre resultater opp mot problemstillingen og konkludert med at målet vi satte for oppgaven ble nådd. This practical bachelor thesis is about producing a song in the same style as ODESZA. By analyzing ODESZA´s remix of Slow Magic´s song «Waited 4 U», we are going to find out which elements, instruments and/or effects that make out ODESZA´s signature sound. We will then use the analysis as a tool to make our production sound like it could have been one of ODESZA´s productions. By listening and using our knowledge of production and theory, we can learn how to create sounds like those ODESZA are using in their productions.
We have chosen to use theory about the genre and about how electronic music is being produced today as a foundation for the thesis. The basis for all the choices we have made while producing is the theory we have studied and the analysis we have made.
The thesis resulted in an attached production ripped to a CD. We have also discussed our results in relation to the topic question and concluded that we reached the goal of the thesis This practical bachelor thesis is about producing a song in the same style as ODESZA. By analyzing ODESZA´s remix of Slow Magic´s song «Waited 4 U», we are going to find out which elements, instruments and/or effects that make out ODESZA´s signature sound. We will then use the analysis as a tool to make our production sound like it could have been one of ODESZA´s productions. By listening and using our knowledge of production and theory, we can learn how to create sounds like those ODESZA are using in their productions.
We have chosen to use theory about the genre and about how electronic music is being produced today as a foundation for the thesis. The basis for all the choices we have made while producing is the theory we have studied and the analysis we have made.
The thesis resulted in an attached production ripped to a CD. We have also discussed our results in relation to the topic question and concluded that we reached the goal of the thesis
Bacheloroppgave i musikkproduksjon 2015