Rosa sløyfe-aksjonen på Facebook. Hva skaper størst engasjement?
Master thesis
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Increased digitalisation has changed the way we live our everyday lives. Never before have we Norwegians spent so much time online on average per day. Therefore, social media, with Facebook at the forefront, can be an important information channel and mobilization tool for charities and good causes. Presence here can be important to reach out with their messages to existing and new target groups. Mastering forms of communication that hit well digitally can therefore be seen as a key for everyone who works to create commitment to a cause. One of those who use Facebook as a communication channel in their work is the Pink Ribbon campaign. Their goal is, among other things, to raise money for breast cancer research, as well as spread information and prevent it. This assignment will study how a fundraising campaign such as the Pink Ribbon campaign can reach out with their good stories so that they hit well. What it takes to succeed with communication and create engagement is therefore interesting to investigate. Thus, this study has addressed the following research questions: Which Facebook posts from the Pink Ribbon-campaign generate the most engagement in the form of likes, comments and shares, and what characterizes these?
To answer this, I have chosen to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. A categorization and counting of Rosa sløyfe's posts in Facebook in 2018 and 2020, has revealed which content categories and post variants create the most engagement. It is posts from Personal Stories that by far create the greatest engagement, often in combination with visual post variants such as Bildepost or Bildepost with a link. These are posts that tell closely and personally about individuals' experiences and experiences related to breast cancer and research. The qualitative close-up analysis shows what characterizes the posts that have created the most engagement. The study confirms that there are some common features and tools that are repeated in the posts that create the greatest engagement. It is first and foremost posts that have a strong emotional appeal, often in combination with a closeness in the visual expression in the form of close-ups and direct eye contact. At the same time, it seems that humor and the use of celebrities can be engaging.
Mastergradsoppgave i digital kommunikasjon og kultur, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2021.