Browsing Brage INN by Author "Andersen, Camilla Eline"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Affirmative critique and strange race-things: Experimenting with art-ing as analysis
Andersen, Camilla Eline (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The focus of this article is affirmative critique, its ontological grounding, and a record of an attempt to perform an affirmative critical analysis with documented strange race-things. It is inspired by the debate on ... -
Affirmative critique as minor qualitative critical inquiry: A storying of a becoming critical engagement with what happens
Andersen, Camilla Eline (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Den flerkulturelle barnehagen i rurale områder: Nasjonal surveyundersøkelse om minoritetsspråklige barn i barnehager utenfor de store byene
Andersen, Camilla Eline; Engen, Thor Ola; Gitz-Johansen, Thomas; Kristoffersen, Chamilla Strædet; Obel, Lise Skoug; Sand, Sigrun; Zachrisen, Berit (Rapport;15/2011, Research report, 2011)Norsk: I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra en surveyundersøkelse gjennomført i barnehager i rurale strøk i sju fylker høsten 2009. 525 pedagogiske ledere og 288 styrere svarte på undersøkelsen. Undersøkelsen har ... -
Fugitive Futures and Knowledge Brokering: Adding Value, Habits, and Trust in Early Childhood Education and Educational Research
Reinertsen, Anne Beate; Ulla, Bente; Larsen, Ann Sofi; Moxnes, Anna Rigmor; Aslanian, Teresa Katherine; Andersen, Camilla Eline (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article is a collective act of writing preoccupied with the future of education. Our perspectives are different but what we have in common is a wish to explore and contribute to educational innovation. Through knowledge ... -
Researching the assemblage of cultural diversity in Norway. Challenging simplistic research approaches
Andersen, Camilla Eline; Otterstad, Ann Merete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article’s point of departure is practicing an(other) methodology than those that are dominant within educational research in Norway. Dominant research can ‘rely on the authority and normativity of methods to produce ... -
'Ressursorientert tilnærming til språklig og kulturelt mangfold': Diskursive lesninger av inkludering i barnehagen
Andersen, Camilla Eline (Journal article, 2012)This article critically questions how contemporary multicultural pedagogical work for inclusion in Norwegian children’s centers is described in government documents. We find in these documents that what is named as a ... -
Teaching nature and nation in the Swedish mobile preschool
Ekman Ladru, Danielle; Millei, Zsuzsa; Andersen, Camilla Eline; Gawlicz, Katarzyna; Gustafson, Katarina; Lappalainen, Sirpa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ideas of nature, nation and childhood are intertwined in Nordic early childhood education. We explore in ethnographic data the ways nature is taught in Swedish mobile preschools. We show how everyday nationalism manifests ... -
The Multicultural Kindergarten in rural areas in Norway - a good place for learning and participation for all children?
Andersen, Camilla Eline; Sand, Sigrun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)In this article we present a selection of results from a survey conducted in kindergartens in Norway in 7 rural counties. Our main purpose is to discuss what conditions for learning and participation for children from ... -
Tid, berøring og inderlighet: Lesninger av utøvd barnehagefaglighet i lys av Walter Benjamins tankebilder
Leirpoll, Beate Kristin (Ph.d.-avhandling i profesjonsrettede lærerutdanningsfag;34, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Denne avhandlingen er en pedagogisk-filosofisk utforskning av utøvd barnehagefaglighet slik den kommer kroppslig til uttrykk i barnehagelæreres praksis. Basert på videofilmer av to barnehagelæreres praksiser tilknyttet ...