Browsing Master- og hovedoppgaver / Master thesis by Subject "idrett"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Experiences of physical education and its contribution toward sport and physical activity
(Master thesis, 2016)Abstract: Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to acquire knowledge about 15-16-year-old girls’ experiences and attitudes toward physical education, and to see if they perceived the subject to have any impact on ... -
Experiencing physical education in the upper secondary school setting: a grounded theory study of young people's mental health development
(Master thesis, 2013)Det er funnet en sammenheng mellom unge menneskers deltakelse i idrett og fysisk aktivitet, og deres mentale helse. Det er imidlertid en begrenset mengde forskning som har undersøkt hvordan idrett og fysisk aktivitet kan ... -
Idrettsskolens ulike kulturer
(Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven er rettet mot å undersøke elever på idrettsskoler sine opplevelser knyttet til idrettskulturen, skolekulturen og kroppskulturen. Og derigjennom se om forholdet til mat preges av ... -
Parents’ involvement in their youngsters’ sports participation: The role of a sporting trinity
(Master thesis, 2017)Background: Sports, in form of organized and unorganized physical activity, is an important pastime for Norwegian youth and trends in participation is increasing in terms of rates and frequencies. At the same time, there ...