Blar i Master i anvendt økologi / Master of applied ecology MAOK på tittel
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Exploring the Interplay of Environmental Factors, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Occurrence, and Humpback Whale Traits in Mozambique's C1 Breeding Population Through SDM.
(Master thesis, 2024)The complex relationship between environmental factors, individual traits, and behavior plays a central role in shaping the microhabitat usage of populations, including humpback whales (HWs). As capital breeders, HWs ... -
Factors influencing distribution and activity patterns of common leopards (Panthera pardus) in Parsa National Park, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2024)The common leopard is a highly adaptable habitat generalist with one of the largest species distributions in the world. With their varied diet and ability to thrive even in urban environments, this species is often involved ... -
Fantastic beavers (Castor fiber) and where to find them Using availability of suitable habitat to estimate beaver populations sizes
(Master thesis, 2022)The Eurasian beaver was significantly over harvested for its pelt and for what is called castoreum, and global population was estimated to be 1200 individuals. Today, the Eurasian beaver population is estimated to be ... -
Fecal bacterial composition in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in areas with- and without wild growing European yew (Taxus baccata), in south-eastern Norway.
(Master thesis, 2023)Europeisk barlind er et bartre som har utviklet et potent kjemisk forsvar og det har blitt rapportert om flere tilfeller av barlind forgiftning i husdyr og frittlevende drøvtyggere. Selv om Barlind er ekstremt gifitg så ... -
Food preferences by spring migrating Pink-footed geese (Anser brachyryhnchus) in Central Norway
(Master thesis, 2013)The spring migrating Svalbard population of Pink - footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) stages in Central - Norway from mid - April to mid - May. They feed on agriculture fields mainly on a menu of grain and ... -
Foraging by elephant, giraffe and impala during wet and dry season in rich and poor savanna, Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2015)Plant have evolved traits in response to herbivory and these traits depends on soil nutrient status, plants in nutrient rich soils have evolved tolerance to herbivory by being palatable and those in nutrient poor have ... -
Forest stand structure, recruitment, regeneration and growth of European yew (Taxus baccata L.) under moderate and high browsing pressure from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
(Master thesis, 2022)Norway included English yew in the Norwegian Red List as this species is threatened and is protected by Norwegian law. Thus, the aim of my study was to reveal the underlying factors for yew regeneration and recruitment in ... -
Gastrointestinal parasites in moose (Alces alces); which ones and what consequences?
(Master thesis, 2014-09-29)Even though the moose in Norway represents such an important game species, this is one of the first studies of their gastrointestinal parasites. The moose population density in Hedmark county remains at a high level, and ... -
Gastrointestinal parasites in sympatric reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and sheep (Ovis aries) - Evidence of spillover and consequences thereof
(Master thesis, 2020)Understanding the role of gastrointestinal parasites for ecosystems and their potential impact on their hosts is valuable knowledge within wildlife management. In Norway, there is a long tradition mountain grazing for ... -
Going Wild with Weather: Exploring the Viability of Wildlife Collars as Supplemental Temperature Data Sources
(Master thesis, 2023)Det kan være vanskelig å skaffe nøyaktige temperaturdata i finskala. På grunn av variasjoner i miljøfaktorer som topografi og vegetasjonsdekke, kan stasjonære værstasjoner og satellitter mislykkes i å representere hele ... -
Gone to the dogs : Comparison of approaches to livestock protection against large carnivores in Slovakia and Norway
(Master thesis, 2015)The use of livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) to prevent depredation is considered to be a powerful conservation strategy for the mitigation of conflicts between farmers and wildlife, and is currently on the rise worldwide. ... -
Goose response to hunting activities
(Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag De fleste populasjoner av gås er i sterk vekst. Den Norske populasjonen av grågås har siden tidlig 1990-tallet økt fra 7 000-10 000 individer til 20 000-25 000 i 2019 og er antatt å fortsatt være under sterk ... -
Grazing among carnivores: Managing cattle depredation across the Western-world
(Master thesis, 2021)Large carnivores such as wolves and bears may prey on cattle. With the recent recovery of large carnivore populations in the Western world, cattle depredation is expected to increase. To mitigate potential conflicts, it ... -
Grit, Gizzard, Gut and Grouse - a study of the Icelandic rock ptarmigan ( Lagopus muta )
(Master thesis, 2015)Rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) feed on digestively resistant diet which is grinded in the gizzard with help of grit the birds ingest. The composition of the grit in gizzard has previously been observed to change with quality ... -
Guardian of the Forest: Do trophic cascade effects of Sunda Clouded Leopards (Neofelis diardi) impact Sabah’s carnivore community and native pheasant species?
(Master thesis, 2022)When apex predators disappear from an ecosystem it can have dramatic consequences including the increase in smaller bodied carnivores whose rise can subsequently impact various prey species, this result better known as ... -
Habitat selection and longitudinal distribution patterns of sympatric sub-adult trout (Salmo trutta) and grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in two large northern rivers
(Master thesis, 2014-12-02)Compared with wadeable streams there is little knowledge on habitat selection and distribution patterns of sub-adult fish in large rivers, because fish sampling and habitat measurements in large rivers are methodically ... -
Hawkeye: Understanding raptors species composition along an altitude gradient in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal.
(Master thesis, 2023)Målet med denne artikkelen er å forstå hvordan høydegradienten i Himalaya påvirker sammensetningen av rovfuglartene og forsøke å bestemme driverne for artssammensetningenes variasjon. Ved å bruke fastpunktsprøvetakingsmetode ... -
Hunters' satisfaction as affected by ptarmigan density and hunting practice
(Master thesis, 2009)After the hunting season of 2006 I through questionnaires studied the individual satisfaction of 1 803 ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) hunters in 23 different areas with estimated ptarmigan densities. When asked, the hunters ... -
Impact of Canopy Openness on Forest Regeneration and Forest Soil Nutrients
(Master thesis, 2024)A study was conducted in three categories of crown cover of trees: 10–40, 40–70, and 70–100 % in six community forests (CFs) located in the Chure region of Makawanpur district, Nepal. The study focused on the impact of ... -
Impact of climate change on agricultural production in Chitwan district, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2022)Forskningen bak denne masteravhandlingen ble gjennomført i Chitwan-distriktet i Nepal og hadde som mål å undersøke effekten av klimaendringer på landbruket der. Klimaendringer har påvirket landbruket over hele verden. ...