Browsing Master i anvendt økologi / Master of applied ecology MAOK by Title
Now showing items 71-90 of 159
Hawkeye: Understanding raptors species composition along an altitude gradient in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal.
(Master thesis, 2023)Målet med denne artikkelen er å forstå hvordan høydegradienten i Himalaya påvirker sammensetningen av rovfuglartene og forsøke å bestemme driverne for artssammensetningenes variasjon. Ved å bruke fastpunktsprøvetakingsmetode ... -
Hunters' satisfaction as affected by ptarmigan density and hunting practice
(Master thesis, 2009)After the hunting season of 2006 I through questionnaires studied the individual satisfaction of 1 803 ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) hunters in 23 different areas with estimated ptarmigan densities. When asked, the hunters ... -
Impact of Canopy Openness on Forest Regeneration and Forest Soil Nutrients
(Master thesis, 2024)A study was conducted in three categories of crown cover of trees: 10–40, 40–70, and 70–100 % in six community forests (CFs) located in the Chure region of Makawanpur district, Nepal. The study focused on the impact of ... -
Impact of climate change on agricultural production in Chitwan district, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2022)Forskningen bak denne masteravhandlingen ble gjennomført i Chitwan-distriktet i Nepal og hadde som mål å undersøke effekten av klimaendringer på landbruket der. Klimaendringer har påvirket landbruket over hele verden. ... -
Impact of climate change on agricultural production in Chitwan district, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2022)Forskningen bak denne masteravhandlingen ble gjennomført i Chitwan-distriktet i Nepal og hadde som mål å undersøke effekten av klimaendringer på landbruket der. Klimaendringer har påvirket landbruket over hele verden. ... -
Indirect effects of rodents on arthropods in a Scandinavian boreal forest
(Master thesis, 2016)Rodents in boreal forest are an important component of food webs. Their role as drivers of the boreal forest ecosystem is debated. As herbivores they affect plant communities and alter qualities of plants. Consequently ... -
Influence of vole cycles and other environmental factors on pine marten (Martes martes) population dynamics and abundance in southeastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)The pine marten in Norway lives at the northern edge of their distribution area. At this latitude, regular fluctuations in vole population sizes are common, where the amplitudes get more pronounced with increasing latitude. ... -
Influence of vole cycles and other environmental factors on pine marten (Martes martes) population dynamics and abundance in southeastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)The pine marten in Norway lives at the northern edge of their distribution area. At this latitude, regular fluctuations in vole population sizes are common, where the amplitudes get more pronounced with increasing latitude. ... -
The influences of roads on wolf movement on the Scandinavian peninsula in summer
(Master thesis, 2010)Over 14,000 GPS wolf positions from 15 wolves (Canis lupus) in 9 territories across the Scandinavian Peninsula were used to assess the influences of roads on wolf movement within their territories in the summer. My results ... -
Insect Biodiversity and Biomass in a Forested Region in Belgium: A case study in Bosland, Limburg
(Master thesis, 2021)Insects, being the first in the food chain, form a perfect animal group to estimate the vitality of an ecosystem. Their diversity and abundance could have tremendous impact on plants and other animals living in the ecosystem. ... -
Interaksjon mellom gjess og landbruk i Vestfold; skadefelling eller jaging for å redusere beiteskader?
(Master thesis, 2017)1. Interactions between expanding goose populations and agriculture have increased the need for tools that reduce grazing damages on farmland. In recent year, geese have switched from preferring natural habitats to crops, ... -
(Master thesis, 2022)Underkulturer og fangvekster er vekster som kan dyrkes sammen med korn for å gi økologiske fordeler og øke diversiteten. Med mål om å undersøke effekten av forskjellige underkulturer, ble et det i løpet av mai til september ... -
(Master thesis, 2022)Underkulturer og fangvekster er vekster som kan dyrkes sammen med korn for å gi økologiske fordeler og øke diversiteten. Med mål om å undersøke effekten av forskjellige underkulturer, ble et det i løpet av mai til september ... -
Investigating the effect of herd and landscape factors on brainworm (Elaphostrongylus rangiferi) prevalence and infection intensity in a semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) herd
(Master thesis, 2021)The increasing concern about brainworm (Elaphostrongylus rangiferi) in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is driven by climate change. The development of the nematode in its intermediate host – gastropods – is strongly affected ... -
Is there no place like home? Natal habitat-biased dispersal in the Scandinavian wolf
(Master thesis, 2016)Natal dispersal is an important mechanism for the viability of populations, as individuals should target the habitat where fitness will be higher. Dispersal theory has suggested that influence of local conditions on ... -
Island biogeography along Norway’s west coast – an explorative citizen science approach
(Master thesis, 2022)The theory of island biogeography is among the most recognized principles in the science of ecology. It states that the further away from the mainland, and the smaller an island is, the fewer species are present. Despite ... -
Island biogeography along Norway’s west coast – an explorative citizen science approach
(Master thesis, 2023)The theory of island biogeography is among the most recognized principles in the science of ecology. It states that the further away from the mainland, and the smaller an island is, the fewer species are present. Despite ... -
Long term development of soil organic carbon influenced by different agricultural practices
(Master thesis, 2022)Studien analyserer de langsiktige trendene i nedbrytning og oppbygging av karbon i jordbruksland. Her utforskes hvordan ulike dyrkningspraksiser påvirker resultatet med fokus på bruk av fangvekster, ulike jordbearbeidingssystem ... -
Long term development of soil organic carbon influenced by different agricultural practices
(Master thesis, 2022)Studien analyserer de langsiktige trendene i nedbrytning og oppbygging av karbon i jordbruksland. Her utforskes hvordan ulike dyrkningspraksiser påvirker resultatet med fokus på bruk av fangvekster, ulike jordbearbeidingssystem ... -
Micro habitat selection by beef cattle on summer pasture in boreal forest, south-eastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)Grazing systems are diverse. With a low percentage of the land area being suitable for agriculture, forest grazing is an important part of livestock husbandry in Norway. While many studied focus on the effects of forest ...