Blar i Master i anvendt økologi / Master of applied ecology MAOK på utgivelsesdato
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Predicting hunting success on willow ptarmigan using bag statistics and distance sampling estimates
(Master thesis, 2013)Willow ptarmigan is a popular game species for recreational hunting purpose throughout its range and long term harvest statistics are available for many areas. For the State owned land in Sweden hunting report rates are ... -
Diet composition and variation in winter of supplementarily fed moose
(Master thesis, 2013)Supplementary feeding of ungulates during winter is a common practice in Europe and North America. Amongst species that are fed with a diversionary purpose is the moose Alces alces. Winter supplementary feeding of moose ... -
The role of cervids and wild boar in the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis in Sweden
(Master thesis, 2014)Roe deer have been historically considered the main large mammal host for Ixodes ricinus ticks and its population levels have been related to the current distribution and prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEv) ... -
Development and characteristics of applied ecology
(Master thesis, 2014)The science of applied ecology is lacking a general theory and a commonly acknowledged definition. Additionally, information about the development of applied ecology over the past years, the relation to other disciplines ... -
Estimating ungulate carrion biomass and possible ecological effects on red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in central Norway
(Master thesis, 2014)Ungulates constitute the bulk of carrion in many terrestrial ecosystems. Knowledge of carrion availability is paramount to understand its ecological effects and I aimed to estimate carrion availability in Nord-Trøndelag ... -
Patterns of reproduction and body condition in Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
(Master thesis, 2014)Scandinavian red fox populations are commonly considered to be driven by the cyclicity of small rodent populations. It was recently suggested that the red fox’ general dependency of voles is becoming less pronounced due ... -
Diet composition of common leopards in Bardia National Park and the adjacent buffer zones and habitat corridor in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2014)The common Leopard (Panthera pardus) is the most widely distributed species among the large felids. It is a great challenge to manage their depredation on livestock at global level. In this study, I examined spatiotemporal ... -
Effects of different scarification intensities on bilberry abundance
(Master thesis, 2014-09-29)In the boreal forest bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) plays an important role for a large variety of insects, birds and mammals, and it is especially important for moose (Alces alces) in autumn and spring. Bilberry is commonly ... -
Sarcoptic mange in the Scandinavian wolf population
(Master thesis, 2014-09-29)Sarcoptic mange, a parasitic disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, is epidemic in red foxes Vulpes vulpes and reported on wolves Canis lupus in Scandinavia. The small, inbred wolf population of Scandinavia might ... -
Gastrointestinal parasites in moose (Alces alces); which ones and what consequences?
(Master thesis, 2014-09-29)Even though the moose in Norway represents such an important game species, this is one of the first studies of their gastrointestinal parasites. The moose population density in Hedmark county remains at a high level, and ... -
Moose (Alces alces) foraging decisions and habitat use during winter, at five spatial scales
(Master thesis, 2014-09-29)1. Forage availability is a strong tool for predicting large herbivore distribution and habitat use throughout different spatial scales. Yet, no large scale study has been executed where real biomass availability of palatable ... -
Browsing by giraffe in relation to plant and animal traits in Arusha National Park, Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2014-09-29)This paper investigates the feeding ecology of mature browsing giraffes during the wet season in Arusha National Park in Tanzania. I looked at different factors (predictor variables) affecting giraffe’s browsing time on a ... -
Modeling of sampling designs for peary caribou survey in Bathurst Island complex Canada
(Master thesis, 2014-09-29)Sustainability of wildlife resources requires effective management strategies. Unbiased estimation of wildlife populations through efficient survey methodology is therefore crucial in formulating effective wildlife management ... -
Habitat selection and longitudinal distribution patterns of sympatric sub-adult trout (Salmo trutta) and grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in two large northern rivers
(Master thesis, 2014-12-02)Compared with wadeable streams there is little knowledge on habitat selection and distribution patterns of sub-adult fish in large rivers, because fish sampling and habitat measurements in large rivers are methodically ... -
Grit, Gizzard, Gut and Grouse - a study of the Icelandic rock ptarmigan ( Lagopus muta )
(Master thesis, 2015)Rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) feed on digestively resistant diet which is grinded in the gizzard with help of grit the birds ingest. The composition of the grit in gizzard has previously been observed to change with quality ... -
Eurasian lynx ( Lynx lynx ) and wolverine ( Gulo gulo ) response to seasonal variation in prey availability: influences on space use, seasonal site fidelity and reproduction
(Master thesis, 2015)In systems with migratory prey, resource availability varies seasonally and can modify the spatialorganization of carnivores. Pred ators within these systems must therefore adopt a strategy to deal with prey movements when ... -
Gone to the dogs : Comparison of approaches to livestock protection against large carnivores in Slovakia and Norway
(Master thesis, 2015)The use of livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) to prevent depredation is considered to be a powerful conservation strategy for the mitigation of conflicts between farmers and wildlife, and is currently on the rise worldwide. ... -
Thiafentanil-azaperone-xylazine and carfentanil-xylazine immobilizations of free-ranging caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) in Alaska
(Master thesis, 2015)Carfentanil-xylazine (CX) has been the primary drug combination used for immobilizing free-ranging ungulates in Alaska, US, since 1986. We investigated the efficacy of a potential new drug of choice, thiafentanil ... -
Seasonal variation of spirurian nematode Mastophorus muris in water voles (Arvicola amphibius) in southern Sweden
(Master thesis, 2015)I studied the spirurian nematode (Mastophorus muris) in water voles (Arvicola amphibius) in southern Sweden. Limited information is known about this nematode particularly in water voles. Trapping was done using topcats in ... -
Post capture activity level recovery times of Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx in Norway
(Master thesis, 2015)Chemical immobilizations and handlings are commonly performed on numbers of wild animals each year and are the main methods for radio collaring, collecting biological samples and measurements, and obtaining information ...