Browsing Artikkel - fagfellevurdert vitenskapelig / Articles - peer-reviewed by Author "Kaarby, Karen Marie Eid"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
ITERS and ECERS as tools for developing quality in physical activity and science in ECEC
Kaarby, Karen Marie Eid; Tandberg, Cato (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article discuss how ITERS-R and ECERS-R used on item level can contribute to a budding science and physical education in ECEC and the ECTE. We use data from ITERS and ECERS obtained within the project of GoBaN3 and ... -
Ute er de, men hva gjør barn under tre år ute i barnehagen?
Tandberg, Cato; Kaarby, Karen Marie Eid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Denne studien bruker analyse av videobservasjoner for å supplere ITERS-R (Infant / Toddler Environment Rating Scale –Revised) resultater fra 206 barnegrupper i Norge. Vi analyserer 53 videoobservasjoner av ett- til treåringer ...