Blar i Konferansebidrag og faglige presentasjoner / Conference lectures and academic presentations på utgivelsesdato
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Utvikling av farmasøytens kliniske ferdigheter
(Conference object, 2003)I dette foredraget beskriver Ingeborg Hartz Bartnes hvordan farmasøyter kan utvikle sine kliniske ferdigheter med hensyn til å kunne tilby en pasientfokusert tjeneste i helsevesenet. Erfaringer fra hennes masterstudium ... -
Artificial Intelligence and ‘learning regions’: an outline to a research adventure
(Conference object, 2007)Can we usefully improve the understanding of a ‘learning (knowledge) region’ by using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) metaphor? Could one capture the dynamics of a learning, intelligent, society in a geographical or a ... -
The Mind Agents in Netlogo 3.1
(Lecture, 2007)In [Houk, 2005], the “Agents of the mind” idea is proposed as a suitable framework for studying the dynamics and complexities of mind. “Agents of the mind” is inspired by the society of mind idea of Marvin Minsky [Minsky, ... -
Kolesterolsenkende legemidler – en legemiddelepidemiologisk studie i Norge
(Chronicle, 2007)Cand.pharm. Ingeborg Hartz forsvarte 15. desember 2006 sin doktorgradsavhandling med tittelen «En legemiddelepidemiologisk studie av kolesterolsenkende legemidler i Norge» ved Avdeling for samfunnsfarmasi, Institutt for ... -
InterAct framework as help for students to learn about plagiarism
(Lecture, 2008)The Internet has opened and introduced numerous possibilities of easy access to material worldwide. This is old news to most students. However, such easy access to information and its extensive use can sometimes produce ... -
Sonja Henie, Norwegian Star in Hollywood
(Conference object, 2008)The title “Norwegian star in Hollywood” indicates what I’d like to enlighten in my presentation; Henie as a Hollywood made Star; which elements constructs her star persona? I will also elaborate if or how national identity ... -
Förslag till organisation av kunskapsförsörjningen i inlandsregionen
(Lecture, 2008)Med utgångspunkt i praktiskt gjorda erfarenheter, kombinerat med en kunskapsöversikt, har idén om en analytiskt inriktad supportorganisation, vars uppdrag skulle vara att löpande förse kommunerna i Hedmarks och Opplands ... -
Effects of habitat selection & supplementary feeding on moose body weight & reproduction
(Conference object, 2008-08)The effects of forage availability, winter supplementary feeding and habitat selection on moose body condition, reproductive rates and autumn slaughter weights are being studied in two locations in south-east Norway. GPS ... -
Professional networks and knowledge sharing : the role of ICT use : a comparative study
(Conference object, 2009)This study of media use and knowledge sharing within distributed organizations addresses two questions: (1) How do people combine different ICTs (information and communication technologies) when they engage in a professional ... -
Regnskapsmessig periodisering med fokus på offentlig sektor
(Conference object, 2009) -
BallBouncer : interactive games for theater audiences
(Conference object, 2009-12-17)Members of a theater audience see themselves in a mirror image projected on to a large screen. This `mirror' is augmented by virtual balls that bounce realistically when hit by the audience. The effect is created with ... -
Nordic superintendent leadership : Cross-national comparisons
(Conference object, 2010) -
Nordic Superintendent Leadership : Cross-Nordic Comparisons
(Conference object, 2010) -
Human impact on the spatiotemporal dynamics of red fox in the boreal forests of SE Norway
(Conference object, 2010) -
Long-term browsing impact around diversionary feeding stations for moose in Southern Norway
(Conference object, 2010) -
Organizational Knowledge Transfer: Introducing A Multi-Level Perspective
(Conference object, 2010)Research on organizational knowledge transfer is burgeoning, due to the critical role of external knowledge as a source of advantages for firms as well as public sector organizations. Our study investigates knowledge ... -
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson og kristendommen
(Lecture, 2010) -
Social-Cognitive Outcomes of Teachers’ Engagement in Community of Practice : Evidence from Finnish Basic Schools
(Conference object, 2010) -
Den kommunale skolesjefen : mellom forvaltningspolitikk og pedagogikk
(Conference object, 2010)