Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - INN by Document Types "Chapter"
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Applying the Organizational Centaur Theory on Boundary Spanners in Demanding Situations
(Chapter, 2018)The aim of the present study was to compare the existing conceptualization of the dual nature of organizational centaurs to discover what could be found in an investigation of organizational contexts characterized by risky ... -
Crowdfunding in the Cultural Industries
(Chapter, 2020) -
Da katolisismen kom att til Nordvestlandet
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)I løpet av eit knapt hundreår har Den katolske kyrkja gått frå å vere så godt som ikkje-eksisterande på Nordvestlandet til å bli den største religions- og livssynsminoriteten i regionen. Artikkelen okumenterer og analyserer ... -
Design Thinking Methodology for Increasing Quality of Experience of Augmented Reality Educational Games
(Chapter, 2019)Integration of technology in education with adequate pedagogical approaches creates new opportunities or improving the quality of teaching and learning experiences, raising students' interest and motivation for the classroom ... -
Digitalizing Crisis Management Training
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science;11686, Chapter, 2019)The ongoing digital transformation in government has enabled innovative changes in operational processes and service. However, while e-services and social media are widely adopted, earlier studies indicate that this ... -
En analyse av makt og kultursensitivitet blant utvekslingsstudenter til og fra det globale sør gjennom faget Global Knowledge
(Chapter, 2022-09-11)Ved å se på 19 prosjektoppgaver skrevet av norske og zambiske studenter basert på deres utenlandspraksis i faget Global Knowledge drøfter vi hvordan kultur og makt kommer til uttrykk. Vi finner forskjeller i valg av tema, ... -
Entrepreneurial ecosystems: Strategies on access to capital, competence, and network
(Chapter, 2022)This paper addresses the regional ecosystem dynamics for sustaining a high percentage of young entrepreneurial firms. Extant research holds that young entrepreneurial firms are dependent on access to capital, competence, ... -
Et tilbakeblikk på Bergensprosjektet
(Chapter, 2014)Bergensprosjektet var et flerårig forskningsprosjekt som ble gjennomført i Bergen kommune på slutten av 1980-tallet. Ettersom prosjektet fortsatt er svært relevant for hvordan vi kan videreutvikle kommuneregnskapet, vil ... -
Explaining how Platforms Foster Innovation in Service Ecosystems
(Chapter, 2020)Service innovation research has extended the study of service ecosystems to embrace the role of platforms, thus creating a sustainable advantage in competitive markets. Making creative and effective use of innovation ... -
Fargespill i kulturskolen: Med lisens til å inkludere?
(Chapter, 2023) -
Flipped Gaming - testing three simulation games
(Chapter, 2018) -
Flipped gaming for enhanced learning outcome in the crisis preparedness courses
(Chapter, 2017)Preparing for crisis and incidents have gained an increased focus, also within the educational system. At The Inland University of Applied Sciences, Campus Rena, in Norway, a Bachelor study is developed to cater for the ... -
Forskning med nye aktører: Forskningskvalitet og nytteverdi
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)Hensikten med kapitlet er å gi økt forståelse av hvordan forskningskvalitet og nytteverdi kan begrepsfestes og evalueres når brukerne blir samprodusenter i forskning. To hovedspørsmål stilles: Hva kjennetegner forskningskvalitet ... -
Fritidsbygg i fjellområdet – en egen boligstruktur?
(Chapter, 2021)There are as many leisure and second homes in the mountainous region of Southern Norway as there are primary detached house residences, and since 2000, more than three second homes have been built for every detached house. ... -
Funding models of Inclusion in an international perspective
(Chapter, 2023)European policies on inclusive education show a general trend from a focus on disability and Special Educational Needs (SEN) towards a focus on the development of quality education for all learners (Meijer/Watkins 2016). ... -
The Future of Education: Strengthening the Relevance of Lifelong Learning
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter explores educational practices to increase work relevance in lifelong learning education programmes. The outlet of the analysis is the development of skills for change, and to lay the grounds for innovativeness ... -
Komplekse rom og mangeartede steder: Religion og interdisiplinære kontekster
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)This article maps out the complexity of the phenomena and concepts space and place, with a special focus on religious studies and related disciplines. We start by identifying core elements in the so-called ‘spatial turn’ ... -
Looking Beyond the Bigger Picture: Implications of Classroom Micro-Level Activities for the Inclusion of Refugees in Education in Host Countries
(Chapter, 2023)Many forcibly displaced children arrive in Western host countries and are in education systems. However, little is known regarding the implications of micro or classroom activities for the inclusion of students from refugee ... -
Luther i læreboka: Luther-bildet i grunnskolens lærebøker – kontinuitet og endring
(Chapter, 2019)Korleis har Martin Luther vore framstilt i norske religionslærebøker for grunnskolen? Artikkelen undersøker Luther-biografiane i eit breitt utval lærebøker gjennom ulike skolehistoriske epokar, både tekst og bilde, spør ...