Hierarchical foraging by giraffe in a heterogeneous savannah, Tanzania
Original version
Mahenya, O., Mathisen, K. M., Andreassen, H. P., & Skarpe, C. (2016). Hierarchical foraging by giraffe in a heterogeneous savannah, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 54(2), 136-145. doi: 10.1111/aje.12270Abstract
Understanding foraging decisions made by wildlife at
different spatio-temporal scales is important for wildlife
management and conservation. We tested whether forag-
ing decisions by Masai giraffe (
Giraffa camelopardalis
Matschie) differed with scales; habitat, patch
and tree in a heterogeneous savannah. We collected data
from Arusha National Park, Tanzania, in March
May and
October 2013. Visual observations were used to
collect data on foraging behaviour. Measurements of tree
height and stem height and scoring of accumulated
browsing were made in 133 patches around trees where
the giraffes had been seen browsing, and in a correspond-
ing number of available patches. Giraffes selected
shrub and
shrub habitats but not for water
availability or predator avoidance. For patch use, giraffe
selected high quantity of
Acacia xanthophloea
Between plant species,
A. xanthophloea
was the
most preferred and within plant species, tree quality was
enhanced by tree height and high score of accumulated
browsing. Generally, giraffes selected for
A. xanthophloea
all scales.