Praksisnær undervisning - nytt begrep og ny realitet?
Original version
The task of mediating meanings of what may be constituted as ‘practice’ and ‘theory’ – its differences of kind and essence – and their commonalities or unions in the everyday of students – and the professions they are being prepared for, is demanding. The introductory chapter seeks to introduce a multitude of angels to view the phenomenon by. There is a political angle about how we make students better prepared for their future vocational contribution to the society, so that their human capital is realised as soon as possible in the knowledge economy. The humanistic angle suggested in the chapter deals with the personal and social development of the students. There is also a philosophical angle available to interprete how thinking and reasoning is a matter of shifting modes with acting and doing – and reflecting on the relations between them. The chapter uses the framework adapted from Ernest Boyer to project where we as academics are in the landscape of higher education: in the disciplines or in education of professionals.