A training course on interpersonal relationships using role play in a Master of Mental Health Care programme–The students' experiences
To study how Master Students of Mental Health Care experienced role play as an educational method that strengthened their relational competence.
The study was qualitative with an exploratory descriptive design.
Relational competence training course during the Master of Mental Health Care programme
Master students in a Mental Health Care programme
Data from open-ended questions were analysed using qualitative content analysis based on Graneheim and Lundman.
The following three categories were identified: A deeper understanding of self and others, Different positions and situations provide comprehensive understanding and Engagement strengthens relational competence.
The study demonstrated that extensive use of role play, in which the students took on the roles of patient, healthcare professional and observer, combined with theoretical preparations and reflections seemed to elicit some of the humanistic values and attitudes central for strengthening relational competence.