The paper explores genre, worldbuilding, myth, identity and disability in the Heroes of Olympus series. They are explored by analyzing three books from the series: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune and The House of Hades. The series both break and follow genre conventions by for example casting disabled characters as protagonists. Which disability encounters that occur and how they can affect the reader is also explored. The book series is unique because it focuses on the positive qualities of having ADHD and Dyslexia. This paper also focuses on identity. The characters show the three types of subjects that Foucault has categorized. How identity is viewed depends on culture. An individual has to be viewed against their environment. In terms of the ideology of Western Civilization, that is built on concepts from ancient cultures. Ideas are recycled from ancient times and up until now. They influence the social status of an individual within its society, which can be linked to the sociological and postmodern subject.